You Are Wrong To Judge Me

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You may think I'm strong,
think I'm okay.
Maybe even stretch to say happy.
But I'm not!

You may think I have everything:
Kind friends, a caring family, good grades.
You may think for me everything is perfect.
But it's not!

You may think I'm in control,
that everything's planned out,
everything's sorted.
But it's not.

You are wrong.
Everything about it is wrong.

You think you know me but you don't.

Let me tell me what I'm really like...

Every time my family are all together,
I feel out of place.

Late at night while my friends clean the teeth,
I cry myself to sleep.

Every day while you waltz around school,
I pray that every move I make is right.

While your all out at your parties,
I worry about what I can do to fit in.

Do you understand now?
That NO I'm NOT happy, NOT okay, NOT in control.
So next time you decide to judge me. Please ask me my whole story.

(Please leave comments on your opinion on my poem. And any suggestions for topics for my next poems.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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