3. To the love I've never received but I shall get

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Dear love.
I know I haven't met you yet.
But I just keep thinking about you.

Are you kind, like I've always imagined you to be?
Gentle and loving?
Are you loving me right now?
Are you looking at the scars of my soul and thinking
How much pain lingers beneath them?
My scars, made by them, are the proof
That pain leads to good stuff.
They led me to you.

Are you sweet? And caring?
Like I've always hoped you'd be?
Because right now, I hope I'm looking at you
And thinking how much I've waited for somebody
To love.
And to love me back.
Just like I hope you do.

Oh, love, I really hope I've already told you;
I've been dreaming about you
Since I was young, stupid and bold.
Hoping for the love
I've never got to hold.

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