On the Chase

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What's going on my Yugioh GX lovers and fans???
SnowyJeleciaHusky here!!!
So in the last chapter, Pattie and Charlotte were talking and they went after Torrez without the gang knowing.


Here we go!!!


It was really late and the students left back to their dorms, leaving our main cast to chat with one another.

"Well, that was some party.. Man, I’m beat..." Alessia yawns holding onto Layla's arm.

"Talk about the greatest Welcoming party ever! I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat!" Amy cheered and the group of girls laughed at her wild statement.

Amber’s own laughter was short-lived, for she noticed that Pattie was nowhere in sight. She looked around for her frantically, her anxiety growing as she didn’t see her anywhere.

"Um, guys.. Pattie isn’t here with us… Come to think of it, I didn’t even see her return back to the party at all.."

"That's a good question.. We really haven’t seen her come back after our performance.. I know she wanted alone time, but this is a bit worrying.." Vanessa stated, hints of deep worry on her words.

Jesse with his cheerful personality wanted to lift their spirits. "Prolly just went t’ bed early. After all, we had a long day. I’m sure we’ll all see her t’morrow!"

Jaden of course, being Jesse’s pea in a pod had similar sentiments. “Yeah! Not everyone’s a diehard partier right? Maybe Pattie’s the same exact way y’know! Jesse’s got a point! Let’s just chill, no need to worry!”

Ms. Topes approached the gang and walked towards the girls, "Come, girls. Let us get settled in into our rooms. You can continue your chitter chatter tomorrow."

"Okay!" The girls nodded and looked at the group. "Good night everyone!"

"Good night, girls. See you in the morning." Everyone waved back as the girls began to leave.

-With Pattie and Charlotte-

Pattie was looking at the ocean thinking about the consequence of trying to take down Torrez. She was feeling guilty about leaving her friends behind but she didn't want to put them in danger as she did back in the Aquaria Kingdom incident.

"I promise I won't let you down. I'm coming to save you, Elisha." Pattie said to herself looking down at the ocean.

Charlotte came from behind, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“We’ll be there at about 12 pm tomorrow. Get some rest ya hear?”

Pattie nodded and headed to the small cabin room to sleep. She needed her energy for tomorrow. As for Charlotte, she held onto the steering wheel of the boat, for she’d have to steer it herself, considering it didn’t have an autopilot function.

She couldn’t help but think to herself as she kept the boat afloat, about the man she saw. She had more questions than answers, and she knew it was the guy that Pattie wanted to beat. However, she really couldn’t help but want to know more about him and Atlantis. Whatever questions she had, she’d find her answers to. Especially the question of why that man couldn’t help but stare at her for longer than someone normally disinterested would.

Whatever would lie ahead on their quest, would be nothing they expected.


THE NEXT DAY 8:oo am

Yugioh GX: The Wrath of Torrez RemasteredWhere stories live. Discover now