The Boys from Budgewoi (Short Stack Fan fic)

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Yes I know the boys broke up almost 4 months ago but I'm writing this anyway :)


"Boo!" Elliot screamed shaking me.

I opened my eyes and read the clock. 6:08. I swear I'm going to shoot this kid.

I sat up and pushed him off me.

"Get up.Get up.Get up.Get up.Ge-"

"Say get up one more time and I'll punch you in the gut!"

"No you wouldn't!"

As Elliot sat on my bed bent over clutching his stomach I grabbed a towel and headed to my bathroom.

Elliot was 8. He was annoying 93% of the time and useful the other 7.

My name was Ebony, I was 15 turning 16 and I couldn't be happier. I had long blonde 'scene' hair but I didn't tease it, bright blue eyes and a killer smile which made boys melt. Vain I know but I'd been told it enough I's started to believe it myself.

I pulled on my school uniform and sighed. I was going to miss my friends a lot. My family and I had just moved states from Queensland to New South Wales for Dad's work. Isn't that always the story? The Dad gets a new job so he packs everyone up and ships them off the another state. This was my 6th move, so far I'd lived in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney twice and Queensland and now we were back in Sydney for the 3rd time in 5 years. But this time we'd made it to a tiny beach side town called Budgewoi.

I straightened my hair and left it out. this was my 7th school in 5 years, I knew how to play the "I'm new" card.

I applied like make up and headed downstairs to the kitchen. "Hey Ollie," I smiled messing his light brown hair. "Oi!" he whined. Ollie was 14 and he was going to start school with me today.

At 8:00 Ollie and I left the house and started walking to the train station.

"I hope the girls here are hot," Ollie laughed

"Well we are 2 minutes from the beach, so they're probably all hot surfer chicks...that are way out of you league!"

We sat next to each other on the train seeing as we didn't know anyone.

"Don't look now but those guys over there are checking you out..." Ollie whispered and nodded in the direction of 2 boys sitting across the isle a few rows down from us.

I quickly glanced in their direction. They were kinda cute. They looked about my age, one with chocolate brown hair the other with hair which was almost black. They had the same uniform as me, I decided now was my chance to get the inside news on this school. Time to do what I did best. Smile.

"Watch this," I whispered to Ollie as I stood up and headed over to the two boys.

"Hi," I said as sweetly as I could

"H-Hey," The one with almost black hair said

"I'm Ebony," I smiled and offered my has for them to shake.

"I'm Shaun and this is Bradie," Shaun said shaking my hand, Bradie just looked at the floor awkwardly.

"May I?" I pointed to the seat in front of Shaun which had a bag on it.

"Y-yeah sorry," Shaun said Nd moved his bag to the floor. I sat down and smiled, he grinned.

"So you're new?"

"Yeah, I thought I should come say hi because I don't know anyone..." I trailed off and stared at the ground

"We'll look after you!" Shaun said enthusiastically.

"I'm in year 10."

"Us too!" Shaun smiled

"I have to go and sit back with my brother now, come find me later today," I winked and stood up.

Looks like I've made a new friend I thought as I got up and headed back over to Ollie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2012 ⏰

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