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"Chloe you didn't tell mom right?" I questioned my sister over the phone. I was in a Taxi speeding towards my family's home. Back in New York.

"No. Baby sis. That's all up to you. Everyone's here awaiting your return. For once you'll be the problem child. She's going to lock you in your room forever"

"This isn't funny. I'm so scared."

"So where's the father of the hour?"

"He's in some meeting. I'm on my own today. I don't know if I want our parents to meet him. And also we got married." Chloe laughed.

"What?!" She yelled. I pulled the phone away from my ear. "Oh Carter moms is going to kill you dead girl." She sighed. "Did you have a ceremony or did you just register as a married couple?"

"Just  registered it. We didn't marry for love remember. I don't wan to talk about anymore. I'll see you in a few." I hung up the phone. Opening the window the warm spring air washed over my face. The taxi pulled up in front of my family home. My heart attempted to leap from my chest. I stepped from the car,  pulling my suitcase behind me. I walked up the stairs. I don't remember their being so many.

"Oh God. Help me please." Praying aloud. I smoothed down my shirt. Thankful my baby bump wasn't visible with clothes on. The front door swing open and Chloe rushed out. I ran into her arms. "I missed you." I laughed as she held me tightly.

"Mom and dad are already here." She whispered in my ear. Like a siren call my mom rushed to the door bushing Chloe out of the way she wrapped her arms around me pulling me into her hug.

"Oh my baby's home. Finally." My dad was next hugging me and taking my suitcase.  The familiar scent of lavender and fresh linen wafted through the air.

"Hi Mom, Hi Dad." I smiled. "I've missed you so much."

"Well now you're home. You went out and explored the world. Time to come on back." My mother said. "Come on wash up let's eat. You must be hungry from the flight." I nodded falling her silently. In the dinning room my brother were sitting at the table.

"Hey kid." Cassian called while my other brother smiled and waved. Seated we all began to enjoy the meal. Chloe sat next to me. Soon my family seemed to forget that I just returned from a month long vacation. No one asked me how I was. Did I have fun. If I had any crazy adventure. Then I remembered I was and always be the black sheep. Not that my family doesn't love me. But that they all look over me. Never expected anything different or new to happen with me. Yeah I'm not as smart or beautiful as them and my day job isn't as great as theires. My mom and dads conversation went to work and my brothers joined in. Chloe held my hand to give me some support but she to was immersed in their daily conversation. Everything seemed to blur and fade into the background. I stood from the chair so fast that is fell over. A feeling I've rarely felt came over me.

"Is no one going to ask how I am? Did I have a good time? Am I really that unimportant to you?"I snapped angrily. They all fell silent.

"Carter speak up. What's wrong? You haven't been home five minutes and you're causing a scene." My mom said. What she said made me feel like I was a spoiled brat. But if your youngest leaves shouldn't you ask questions wants she returns.

"Babe she's right." My father spoke but he was no help.

“Yeah Carter sit down eat we'll talk in a bit." My older brother said. It was like I never left. Be strong Carter. Be the herion in your story. I told myself remembering what Ku Sun-Sin told me.

"I'm pregnant and I'm married." I yelled. The room went silent. Then my brother burst into laughter. Chloe tugged on my arm and I fell back into my chair. I looked at my patents.

The Masters Sun (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now