Celeb crush

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- he danced to your song one time
- then looked you up and followed you
-kinda stalker-ish, but it's josh so it's ok
- slides into dms
- part three of him being s m o o t h
- it worked so that's gr8

- you did YouTube
- you collaborated with someone who reacted to his dances, for fun
- he cried
- you thought he was a total cutie
- this time you slid into his dms
- *fangirl moment*

- you came to one of Matt's classes
- he of course knew who you were and wanted to impress you
- turns out, you impressed him
- but it's okay cause ken did good too
- Matt set you up, what a guy

- you surprised him for his birthday
-lots of crying and screaming was involved

- you did modeling
- you were out in Disney taking some shots and he stumbled into you
- literally
- talk about a stutter problem
- he was super cute tho so

- this cocky son of a-
- he pretended not to know you and ask for your number, but on the inside he was screaming
- Sean exposed him

- you were Kaycee's friend and she talked about you all the time and Tati really wanted to meet you
- when she did
- b l u s h i n g
- I couldn't think of anything oKAY

- you're an actress
- you stared in a bunch of movies and made appearances in tv shows
- Kaycee lived for you
- went to every movie premiere and watched every tv episode the day it came out
- her name was mentioned in an interview you were in, and at the time you don't know who Kaycee Rice was
- fans went crazy when you followed her though

- you were related to dylan o'Brian
- crazy I know
- she liked you more than Dylan duh
- died when you liked her dancing post
- did I mention she was literally in love with you?

- another dancer :)
- you went against her when you were little, and you guys followed each other, but unfortunately never got to talking
- she was actually dared by josh (b) to dm you
- she told josh to suck it when you replied

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