Resting Place

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Copyright@ 2011 by Amelia Amare

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I ran as fast as my paws could possibly go, trying to outrun the memories of my past as I hear their voices still in my head. All the names and things that those people did to me for so long. My paws carried me from the place that did nothing but hurt me, the place that held the people who were supposed to love me, but decided rejected me at birth. I've been running for weeks, only allowing myself to stop for water and whatever food I could find, which wasn't much. My whole body hurt from not getting enough food or rest, but my legs hurt the most as I pushed them to go further. The dark, blackening blue sky grew darker and darker, the only things that were seen were the stars in the sky and the moon that slowly rose up, changing from orange to yellow to completely white.

I started to slow down, finally stopping to look around at my surroundings. There were tall, dark trees all around me, standing still as can be, which meant I was still in a forest. My ears pricked as I heard people talking and cars driving by, telling me a town full of people were nearby. Slowly, I walked to the edge of the forest, making sure no one else was around, especially other werewolf shifters. After the coast was clear, I made my way across a gravel road and into someone's yard. I walked through a few bushes, crouching down as I hid in dark spots where no one could see me.

As I looked down the road, making sure no lights were on and no one was around. My feet walked on their own accord to the sidewalk and started walking down it in search of food. The growling from my stomach making it hard not to think of anything else. At times I would look around here and there, keeping my guard up as I made sure the coast was clear as I walked passed trash cans and bags of trash. My nose carefully sniffed the bags and trash cans for something good to eat. After walking half way down the road, I finally came across something that actually smelled decent.

My nails clicked against the sidewalk as I crept closer to a trash can, sniffing it. It smelled like tacos, perfectly cooked meat, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and sour cream. I hadn't had a taco in a while. I lifted my paw up against the trash can, making it fall over on the curb of the road and spilling all the garbage out. Carefully, my snout dug and snooped through the trash until I found it, a leftover wrapped up taco. Without hesitation I snatched the taco up in my mouth and started eating it, not even caring that parts of the wrapper were going to be digested with the food. It got gulped down in seconds, leaving no trace of it behind.

I looked through the rest of the trash and found two donuts, rotten old hamburgers, and a steak bone that still had some meat on it. Within minutes of finding everything, it was ate, all but the steak bone with meat on it. It was best to save it for later as a little snack because who knew when I would get a meal like this again . As time passes, I started to walk back down the road and was just a house away from the forest when the house door opened and a woman came out with a medium stuffed animal, shoving it on top of the pile of trash in the silver trash can.

The woman turned around and mumbled under her breath, "Stupid ex-boyfriend." and walked back inside, slamming the door closed behind her. I waited a few minutes until I was sure she wouldn't come back out before coming out of my hiding spot and began walking up to the pile of trash, looking at the stuffed animal.

'Must have been a really bad boyfriend' I thought to myself.

I moved the stuffed animal with my snout until it flipped over onto the ground, showing what kind of stuffed animal it was. It was a fake stuffed dog, all blond hair with brown eyes, it looked cute. My thoughts stopped for a moment, deciding whether she would care if I took it or not. I'd never had a stuffed plush animal before and I've always wanted one. My eyes looked back to the door that the girl had came from. Well if she did want the stuffed animal she wouldn't have thrown it out, right? So with that thought in mind I grabbed it with my teeth and started walking. The stuffed dog was kind of big in my mouth, so it dragged a little on the ground. I had to stop and get a better grip on it, making sure it wouldn't drag that much and was easier to carry.

I walked back into the forest and looked around, trying to find a place to sleep. After looking for twenty minutes and not finding much, I walked deeper into the forest and found a small cave. Before I walked into the cave I sniffed around and made sure no other animals were there. The stuffed dog and I settled down in the cave for the night.

As I went in a little bit deeper in the cave, I set the stuffed dog to the side of the cave and settled right next to it, laying my head down on it and feeling its nice, soft and fluffy feel. It felt good against my fur as my eyes started to droop and soon enough they were closed, and I was fast asleep.

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