chapter two the time we met

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I opened my eyes but quickly closed them because the sun was too bright and blinded them. I turned over and opened them as I saw two feet facing me. I looked up and saw a dark figure staring down at me. I blinked my eyes a couple of times to get used to the brightness. "W-who are you," I said sleepily.

The strange figure laughed at my stupidity. I slowly sat up to get the sun out  of my eyes. I looked at the man, he looked strangely familiar. He had grey hair ,brown eyes, and wore a white lab coat with black pants. "I am Professor Oak," he laughed.

I got up and shook his hand. "I am Emma," I said as I greeted the professor. "I see you're going to get your starter pokemon." I looked at him astonished by what he said. I could barely say anything. I went to go pick up my bag. "Come along," he shouted, across the small clearing to where I was with my bag.

I excitedly threw my bag over my shoulder and ran after Professors Oak. "What where you doing out here," I asked. He looked down at me and explained "I was catching new Pokemon, but I only caught a Vulpix and a Pikachu before I saw you laying there on the forest floor.

So to make sure you were safe I decided to wait here for you to awaken." That's not creepy, I thought. "What do you intend to do with the Vulpix and the Pikachu?" I questioned. He laughed, "I am going to keep them as extras, if anyone is late.

Yet, I have to say the Pikachu doesn't like it's new home."  There was an awkward silence between us for a bit. "Um, could I please have the Vulpix? That is one of my favorite Pokemon." He looked at me for a bit and noticed I was serious.

"You may have the Vulpix.

I will give it to you when we get to the lab." It was a long silent walk to his lab.

When we got to the lab there was a young blond trainer with blue eyes she was wearing a red skirt with as white trainer symbol on it. I know this because of my extensive knowledge of pokemon she was also wearing a white hat and a dark purple tank top she stood  there waiting, she then looked at us " professor why where you out  so long? I came to get my charmander" she said excitedly.

she glanced over at me who was slightly hiding behind oak "hi I am Sarah" she chirped. I looked at her strangely, when I felt a hand push me toward the over exited girl," don't be shy" said the professor. " I-I'm Emma" I stuttered, the girl lunged toward me, embarrassing me in a hug, I stood there for a while not sure why to do but then I just hugged back.

" I can just tell we are going to be the best of friends" she said excitedly. " ha yeah" I said in an awkward tone. " so professor when are we gonna get our pokemon" I say changing the subject.

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