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The murky water of the London Harbor was splashing up against the ship as I landed in the "Old World", I was alone, nobody to pick me up, nobody to take me to their cottage. Yet, I had felt this my whole life, always left behind, in the background. That's the primary reason I was here, to steal intel on the movement of British troops in America. I had met with the general himself, George Washington, and was bestowed the honor of being one of the most elite, thieves, spies, and assassins in the country. But, he forgot about me, everyone does. As I walked out of the docks onto the streets, I swiftly turned a corner and strode over to a shop, the red paint peeling slightly off of a old sign hanging above the doorway, and a bell chimed as entered, " Hello?" said an elderly voice from the back of the shop. Great, I thought, This is going to be too easy. I put on my best accent and replied back, " Hello, my name is Reven Larkin..." coming up with names is my favorite part of the job, " ...is this your shop?". The elderly woman appeared from around the corner and laughed, " Why yes dear, now, what will you be needing?" I looked around and found nothing but clothes, and a plan started forming in my head. " Do you have any dress shoes? I'm going to a sermon tomorrow?" She nodded and went all the way to the back of the room, to check her storage. I smoothly grabbed a set of black slacks, a solid green shirt, a patterned green tie, and a pitch black overcoat, I do trust in my green, it keeps people calm, and relaxes their demeanor. " I'll be there in just a minute dear!" the back of the shop spoke. Then, with a silent tread, I walked right out of the shop and onto the streets, Too easy. The little old woman came back to the front of the shop, and looked around, " Why am I here again... Oh, yes, I was cataloging the shoes" she said to no one in particular.

I often find that the human mind is like chewing sweets, it sticks and stays at first, but if chewed long enough, it dissolves into nothingness, I just happen to possess the correct features and flexible personality to become the opposite, a bad tasting medicine, people want to spit me out, and so I use that to my best advantage. As I stride to the nearest lavatory to change, I notice a flyer sticking out on a postbox, A Royal Ball with King George, Tomorrow, 7 o'clock, Invitation Only signed by the king, I read, Perfect. I get changed seamlessly and walk on over to the " Hotel Grandeur", using money from the reserves of forces back in America, poor Hamilton he's so new, and he'll have a hard time figuring out where 50 pounds went. I rent a room for three nights, and promptly find a carriage to take me to the Tower of London. The carriage stumbled and bumped over the cobbled streets, and as I looked around, I saw a unit of redcoats, marching unanimously to a quartering station, I stop the coach and tell him to wait here for an extra 2 pounds, writing a note to leave behind. One of the things that is unpleasant about being forgotten is making any deals is impossible. I follow the soldiers in and a few of them give me suspicious looks. The room was bright and full of provisions, yet, it seemed old and run down at the same time, the walls were damp, and the candelabras had cobwebs on them. I went up to the highest looking authority and strictly asked " Sir, I need the movement of your forces in America, now, or else, the king will hear about it." The soldier, looked around making eye contact with the others and laughed, " Who are you to tell me what to do?" , I stood up even taller and replied, " I am Reven Larkin, the king's new personal messenger, and I demand those plans." He eyed me and said he wanted a signature first, so I went back outside and using the royal ball flyer, I quickly forged the king's name on an official looking piece of paper. " Here," I said, re-entering the room " a signature." He gave me the papers and I left. Ten Minutes after that, one Regulus Black entered the room with a letter from the king, asking for news on troops in America. The commander happily complied, and found he had misplaced the papers somewhere else.

I stayed in London for three more days, talking to commoners and royalty alike, none of them ever recalling the name of Reven Larkin. I had got word that the german troops or hessians, were camping out at Trenton, New Jersey, and had that confirmed by the very same commander, who now knew me as " Patrick Lockwood " what a silly name, but it worked again, and I was ready to complete my mission. I packed up my little belongings, and headed for the ports once more. It was there that I found out my ship had been attacked by pirates in the Caribbean, someone by the name of Sparrow, had looted the ship and left the crew stranded. This, little problem threw off my plans, as the hessians were going to attack on the new year, and although it was still November, it took about a months and a half time to reach New York, not to mention the trip to the command station. My mind was turning all it cogs and gears working out the problem, I needed to get a ship today.

Later that night, when the water was black as oil, and the boats creaked and moaned in there holds, desperately wanting to be free and roam the ocean, the moon was covered by a thick fog. I silently crept down the dock alleyway, and boarded a ship, I heard shout, and turned around, a night guard for the dock was here, he shouted " What' you doin' with the fastest ship in' England?!" I quickly ducked for coverd as he got closer, and heard him mumble " Must've been me imagination, alright, time to go home buddy." I then jumped up and got the ship ready for sail.

3rd person

That night, the Enterprise, the " fastest ship in' England" left the Harbor of London, sailing across the Atlantic Ocean with one man piloting it. It then landed in the New York Harbor, mysteriously abandoned, and had a note on it saying, "Please return to the king, I accidentally borrowed it." Then, a few days later, a note from an anonymous person, tipped the newly elected George Washington, to attack a camp of Hessian's on December 26, 1776, leading the way for the freedom of America, all while one person, was forgotten in history.


Next time it will be a backstory, PTs are great idea inspireres, amirite!

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