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Sorry for the very late update!!!

OK so guess what it's finally time to be free of this crutches
I run downstairs grinning and see my brother's, friends and Ace all set, Trent looks at me with a confused expression

" Why are you smiling like as if you've won a lottery" he says cocking his head to the side

" I'M FREE!! " I yell as I raise my hands in triumph, I look around and see them looking at me with weird expressions

" What? " I ask bringing my hands down as I clutch my waist

" Its final guys my sis has finally lost it " Logan says

" Yup I second that" Riker says raising his right hand

"Yeah" they all nod in unison, I mean even Ace agrees that's saying a lot

" Guys don't be mean" I pout

" We're not, we're  just clearly stating a fact" Trent shrugs smirking

" Let's see if you'll say that after I break your two legs " I say moving forward to execute my mission but the universe is so against me and I was pulled back

" Come on shorty her was only joking" Ace says patting my head

" Whatever" I say shoving his hands off my head as I head for the door and get into Aces car

" OK we never discussed that you'll be riding with me " Ace says as he gets into the car

" Yeah whatever..... Just drive" I murmur and look out the window but not before hearing the sigh that escapes his lips.

The ride to school didn't take long, I couldn't wait to get to school I have a score to settle with that bitch hahahaha she won't know what hit her when I'm done with her

" Should I be worried " Ace says interrupting from my evil genius mind blowing scheme

" About? " I say raising my right eyebrow
" Well you have this look that screams I'm gonna torture someone and I will soooo enjoy it" he says frowning a little, hmm is that what I'd looked like well that's good, because I'm really gonna torture someone

" Oh Ace, whatever do you mean? " I say in a fake British accent as I feign ignorance

" Shorty.... ? " He calls

" Ohhh calm your tits Ace, it's not my fault I look like a sexy, cute , awesome, evil genius " I say flipping my hair

" Uh huh, what ever gave you that idea " he says amused

I was about to reply but a knock on the car window surprised me as I look to see who the cockroach is

" You two love birds done or what we gotta go " Aiden says smiling

"Whatever " Ace says getting out of the car and I also do the same.
We meet the others and begin small talk since the warning bell hasn't rung yet.
Five minutes later,
"Grinnnng" and there goes the warning bell

" Let's go to our various classes guys we don't wanna be late " says Alma

" Yeah, yeah, yeah nerdy Alma we've all heard you " Trent says grinning but that doesn't last for long because as soon as the words left his mouth Alma smack's his head making him groan in pain

" I'm not a nerd " she mumbled, Ha classic Alma, anyway time to head out,
"Okay, see you guys later " I said as I start walking to my first class, it sucks that I don't have much classes with my friends but I have classes with that douche that annoys the hell outta me, speaking of said douche why isn't he heading to class, I look back and see him still goofing off with the twins, hmmmm they're all children I tell you, children.

FROM SHY TO SAVAGE.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin