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Some fanart of mine....just doodling. ;)

I yawned. Opening my eyes, I
was met with an unfamiliar room. What the... I sat up, frowning. Where am I.... After a few seconds, it came back to me. Right. The house. I had discovered the abandoned home and spent the night there. I froze as a banging noise floated down the hallway to where he sat. Well, I thought it was abandoned, anyway. I stood, glancing at my armor at the foot of the bed. Should I grab it? Well, it would be a hassle to carry it everywhere, but I didn't really want to let it go. It can stay there. I can come back for it after I check out that noise. I stood and flinched. As soon as I put my foot down, pain shot up my leg. I sat back down, wincing. I rolled up my pant leg and saw one of my wounds was infected. It was an arrow wound, probably from Herobrine shooting at us. Damit. It was fine yesterday. I exhaled. Ok, not my first wound, probably won't be my last. I needed a bandage. Thankfully, I had one on me. I pulled it out and proceed to wrap my leg. Damn. I'd wanted to move on today, see if there were anymore buildings like this. And, do I dare hope? People? Live, not-dead corpses? I closed my eyes. There had to be more people out there besides me and Drake. There had to be. I opened my eyes. The noise had stopped, and now I could hear footsteps coming closer. For a minute, I couldn't help it. Him? I shook my head, though my heart still pounded. It was going to take me a while to get used to the fact that Herobrine no longer existed. I watched as the door opened. I inhaled sharply, wanting to run despite knowing it was not him, couldn't be him. I watched as the door opened, and I found myself face to face with a girl. She looked to be around my age, with blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She jumped when she saw me, then laughed. "So your awake then."   I blinked. "Um, yeah." She blew some of her hair out of her face and leaned against the doorway. I couldn't stop staring. A person! There were other people in this world! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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