A Mistake

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Ok, this was EXTREMELY short and I apologize for that. I just want to get this book back on track since I decided to just suck it up and juggle all my books at once so bear with me. Thanks!

~ JeweLie

Jaxon P.O.V.

"Ugh, I just can't get it!" I punched a nearby dummy.

"You will get it, just give it time." Steve reasoned.

"No! I've given enough time and I'm horrible. I'll never get this superhero stuff down. Maybe I'm just not meant for it." I sighed in defeat. I was training with my mentor Steve Rogers A.K.A. Captain America. I met Steve a while ago and he claims I have potential to follow in his footsteps.

So I said sure because who wouldn't?

But after a few training sessions I'm no good with a shield. It's too much of a distraction, I'd prefer something light. My body aches from it.

"You will get it. It takes patience." Steve said firmly.

"I doubt it." I mutter and throw down the shield angrily.

"I'm going back to the home, see you later." I leave his house and walk back to the foster home I live in consumed on my thoughts when I bump into someone.

"Sorry-" We both say at the same time and I look up to see the love of my life.

"Hey, what are you doing out? You should be at the home." I ask her.

"I was walking to come get you. I thought I'd surprise you." She shrugged, blushing.

"Gosh, you're too cute." I smile at her.

"Let's go to the home now." She takes my hand and walks with me the rest of the way.

Rhianna is, like I said, the love of my life. In my dark times she was the light because she shared those dark times. Both our parents died in the same car crash and we met at their funerals which were weirdly put together. She's been in the same foster home as me for as far as I can remember.

How could I forget all the good and bad times we shared together?

We were there to comfort each other through the bad and there to support each other through the good. The only thing that kills me is I'm keeping my secret from her.

I mean, how would you tell your girlfriend that you're Captain America's protogé?


But I will tell her eventually. Right now I want to enjoy as much as I can of my miserable life.


Classes are out for the day and I have training after school.

"Where do you go to everyday after school?" Rhianna asked, her fingers intertwined in mine.

"Just...around." I shrugged.

"Well I'll come with you!" She said enthusiastically.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Rhi."

"Why wouldn't it be? I feel like I'm missing something." She stopped and crossed her arms.

"Please just trust me on this. I'm not doing anything bad I just can't tell you." I begged her.

"Fine, go." She shooed me away.

"Thanks for understanding. I love you, bye!" I kissed her before practically running to Steve's house. He doesn't like me to be late.

"Sorry...I'm...late..." I panted as soon as I stopped.

"That's not the point. Come on, we have to start."

Ugh, here we go again.

Rhianna P.O.V.

"Thanks for understanding. I love you, bye!" He kissed me before running off, leaving me standing in the middle of the school parking lot.

Why couldn't he just come clean and tell me what's up?

It must be pretty important if he keeps it away from his own girlfriend.

Actually...You know what? I won't stand for this! Heck, I have a right to know what my boyfriend is doing.

I spotted him turn the corner left and made my decision. I ran after him, watching where he was going. Pretty soon he came to a nice house that was separated from the other houses.


A tall, muscular guy with blondish hair opened the door and let Jaxon in before closing it again. Now I needed a reason to get in. I checked my pockets and just my luck! Jaxon gave his phone to me during his wrestling class and I've had it ever since. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell but no one answered.

The door was unlocked and I had a debate with myself about entering an unknown persons home. But I'm sure the owner will understand, these are teenage problems. I heard noises and grunts from downstairs and a bunch of scenarios run through my mind. I shook them off and followed the noises down to the basement.

I couldn't stop myself from gaping at what I saw. I saw Jaxon fighting plastic dummies and...

Captain America.

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