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I open up my math book. After last night I can't stop thinking about calum. Sometimes when I think about him I even smile. I hate it. I really hate it. It's annoying. I don't wanna think about him. I don't like him. In any way. He's annoying. He's soft. No stop y/n. He said some really bad stuff about you. He did some really bad stuff. But just thinking about the way he smells or how he feels makes me blush. I shake my heads and sighs loudly.

"somethings bothering you Y/n?"

I look up. Mr. Johnson looks directly at me. I shake my head. "No, sorry" I apologize. He nods and continues talking.

I look up at the clock for the 7thtime this class. I just wanna get out of here. But I have to wait 15 minutes more. Not a long time, but I can't handle it anymore. I raise my hand. Mr. Johnson comes over to me. "anything you need help with?" he asks.

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

"Can't you wait 15 minutes?" I look down at my hands. "okay" say I and braid my fingers.

I look at my book and then my computer. I have made absolutely nothing in this class. Nothing. I roll my eyes and type the first math problem, slowly.  Very slowly. I yawn and close my eyes for a sec.

As the clock ring out, I gasp relived and close my book and computer. I take it all with my out of the class and all the way to my locker. I open my locker and put my book in it. I check my phone. Two messages. One from my mom and one from Lucy.

Mom: Can you pick up some milk and eggs on your way home?

I Just hurry answering her:

Me: Sure!

I press send and check my other message.

Lucy: Where are you? Did you forget?

Shit. I totally forgot. I was supposed to hang out with Lucy and mina Yesterday.

I just think I must explain myself in the lunch break.

I grab my note book and follow the flow to the next class. I find a place to sit. I just stare at the blackboard on the other side of the classroom. The teacher comes in and place his bag on the desk.

The bell finally rings, and I almost run out of the classroom and hurry putting my things in the locker. I just grab my phone and finds the canteen. I Look out over the tables and students in the canteen. I can't see Lucy and mina anywhere. So, I just walk to a free table and sit. I find my phone. I look through Instagram as I hear steps and noise.

"Where were you yesterday?"

I look up. Lucy. She sits beside me and looks at me. "I'm so sorry, Ashton and his stupid friends took me to the cinema" say I and roll my eyes. "So, now I'm stupid?" I turn my head just to see Calum's beautiful face behind me. I can feel Lucy's' eyes on my neck. "well.... Yeah" I look him in the eyes and literally melt. I look down fast before I start to blush.

He chuckles. "I see" says he and leave. I turn back to the table and see Mina has appeared. She just looks at me with big eyes. She has a huge crush on Calum.

"Why are you like that?" Mina asks. I look at my hands. "Well... I just don't like him" Say I and shrug.  She looks very surprised. "He obviously likes you" Lucy says. I shake my head. "No, he doesn't. He told Ashton very clearly that he doesn't like me at all, not even as friends" I tell.

"I think he changed that" says Mina and smiles at me. I shake my head. "I don't think so." 

"Can we plz change the subject?" ask I. They nod and take a bite of their food.

The bell rings for the very last time today. I just sit here. Maybe Calum won't bother me today then. Although I miss those cute brown eyes. I shake my head. Y/n what are you thinking? I ask myself. *knock knock* I look up.  There stand those cute brown eyes I was talking about. "You can just go" say I. He leans his body against the doorcase. "common, let's go"

"you don't have to wait for me or follow me." I look at my hands. "especially not if you don't want to" I add. He takes a step inside the classroom and sigh.

"Y/n listen, I would love to follow you" says he and walk all the way to my table. "also, we are going the same place anyways" I shake my head. "no, we aren't." "please let me" He looks at me with those cute eyes. I can't resist it but let him do it. "Okay, but then you also have to go to the store with me and buy eggs and milk" I say and cross my arms. "okay sure, anything" He smiles in victory. I stand up and walk to the door. He just follows me out. I grab my bag in my locker and walk to the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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