Vicki Smiles and Andy the Executioner

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Breaking News: Many bodies have been found near Washington street. The victims were killed and brutally dismembered and had the name Vicki and several smiley faces carved into their chests. Only one victim survived from this killer. Police say that this serial killer has left the victim's dismembered in ways they've never seen before. Police are now calling the killer "Vicki Smiles" because of all of those horrible carvings that were left on the victim's bodies. Police need your help to solve these killings. If anyone saw or knows anything or has any information, please call the Local Police silent witness hotline at (480)-555-1212.

I quickly grabbed my hospital room's TV control and turned it off. I didn't want to see the breaking news. I knew exactly who caused all of those killings. Because, as they said on the news, I'm the only survivor from this killer's victims...

  It was late September, Danny, Jamie and I were all in the cafeteria just talking about stuff like the up coming Warped Tour, until the bell rung for class to begin. So, we all headed to our classes and, as I was walking to my English class, I saw this new girl who seemed very depressed just sitting on the floor. I went up to the girl, leaned towards her and said "Hey their, are you okay?" She looked up to me and said "Yeah, I just can't seem to get away from these haters around here".

"Well that makes two of us." I replied.

We both smiled and, as she got up, she said "I'm Victoria but you can call me Vicki."

"Well, nice to meet you Victoria. My name's Andrew but my friends call me Andy."

After we'd talked a little more it turns out, Victoria needed some help finding her English class so, I quickly helped her out. I looked at her schedule sheet and, what do you know, she's in my English class. Even though Victoria seemed different then your average person, in a strange kind of way, I made a new friend that day. I introduced Victoria to Jamie and Danny and we all got along real well. I knew right then that we would all become close friends for life.....or so I thought.

A couple weeks later, I started to realize that Victoria seems to be holding something back when ever it came to her personal life or herself. It was as if she didn't want us to see the real her. Things like this creep me out yet, make me wonder... What is she hiding? Did she act like herself before but then got judged or ridiculed by her so called old friends? Is that why she calls some people haters? Its things like this that make me wonder, what was Vicki holding back, other than her personality? Later that same day Jamie, Danny and I all had a plan that will make Victoria be herself more and finally get her out of that shell she was hiding in. Our plan involved getting sweets and scaring some people, while having a good time. As I explained this to Vicki she got a kick out of the idea of scaring people, so we all agreed to go trick or treating after school on Halloween.

A couple weeks later, on Friday, October 31st, school was almost over for the day and Victoria and I couldn't wait to start trick or treating together with Jamie and Danny, we all just thought of the weird but funny things we would do, like scaring the hell out of some kids with our costumes.

After school, I called Jamie and Danny and found the disappointing news that they couldn't come because they had to babysit their siblings that night, meaning they had to take the little brats trick or treating. Oh well, more fun and candy for Victoria and I.

After school I rushed home and got dressed in my costume. I chose Eyeless Jack, because it really didn't cost me a dime since I already had a black jacket and a blue mask that I made of Eyeless Jack to scare Danny once. When I was ready to go, I met up with Victoria at her place. To be honest I didn't know what or who she was going to be dressed as. That was until I saw her and then I had to asked who she was suppose to be because, I had no idea. But when I found out, I was kinda freaked out by her answer.

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