Ring of Fire Theory

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With the Volcano erupting in Hawaii I thought that posting this theory would make sense.  I think that the activity in the ring of fire and the heightening earthquake count is due to climate change or global warming. The earth's core temperature is rising which means that the temperature in the Mantle and the inner core of our planet is rising as well. It is possible that the earth's inner core is melting and causing more and more magma to fill the Mantle (keep in mind that the inner core is smaller than the moon)and the ring of fire has been more active this year than in the past. I think that that might be because the core is melting and could be creating more magma and that magma doesn't have anywhere to go. So it comes up through the volcanos. Also, the increase in seismic activity(the amount of earthquakes) is because of the increase in magma in the mantle and shifting the earth's plates.

A/N- Please remember that in any of these theories I have done my best to research and prove these theories but if you have more experience than me please PM me or comment and share your knowledge I would love to know more. 

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⏰ Última actualización: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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