Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Get away from me," I whispered softly as the tears fell down my face. Right infront of me, he stands, with that evil grin.

Oh dear god. What just happened... who was that... he felt similar, the tension we had in that dream was so real, almost like a memory. "Nevermind, it was just a dream, stop thinking about it Claud, it's just another bad dream thats all," I rubbed my temples slowly trying to calm my heart.

I stood up to get some water and I went back to bed silently, still thinking about the dream. "I should get some rest, tomorrow's a big day for me," I yawned while gently tucking myself in my bed. I fell asleep almost instantly.


'Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done. Lay you weary head to rest, don't you cry no more.'

"Ugh, what time is it," I woke up, listening to the song by Kansas. I hit the snooze button as I stared at the time. 9 am, I still got around 3 hours to get ready.

I stood up from my bed only remembering about last night's dream. I still can't put it out of my mind, was it a memory? I highly doubt that but, it just might be one...

"Claud you are wasting time to get ready, focus, what am I going to wear?" I looked to my closet full of clothing I don't even remember buying. I stood up and walked towards the closet. A knit-wear sweater and some other pile of black themed clothing and a number of shorts, also in the theme of black.

I quickly scanned the clothing trying to find a perfect one for a date. My eyes landed on a plain black shirt and black shorts. I guess I'm going with the black theme for this date.

I quickly took the clothing out of my closet and went to my bathroom, leaving the door open. I mean, no one's going to barge in suddenly through the front doors right? Of course not Claud, what are you thinking.

I turned on the faucet and took a warm and nice relaxing shower because I have like, 3 more hours.

After 20 minutes of taking a shower, I got dressed and brushed my teeth. Then I took some water and drank a glass, looks like it's 9:50 am. What should I do... Television.

"What channel to watch," I mumbled as I scan through the channels.

"Cartoon Network it is!" I cheered after surfing through all the channels, 'The Amazing World of Gumball' is on, one of my favourites.

I spent about 1 hours and 50 minutes watching Cartoon Network, its 11:40 am now.

I stood up from the sofa I bought yesterday and I took my phone and my bag plus my keys and I walked out the front door. I locked the doors and put the key in my bag and went out of the apartment.

I ran by the same route I took to the Cafe and went to the store next to the Antique store only to see a tall handsome man sit in a chair waiting for someone. "That someone is me," I breathed out.

His pair of dark blue eyes caught mine and I blushed while looking away. "Hey, over here," he waved. I smiled and waved back while walking to the chair infront of him.

Before I could reach the chair, he stood up and pulled the chair backwards so I could sit down.

"What a gentleman," I gasped sarcastically.

"My pleasure," he chuckled.

I sat down while taking off my bag and placing it in my lap. Then I looked up, only to see that he was staring at me.

"Uh..." I blushed, holding my bag tighter and tighter.

"Oh uh, I haven't ordered yet by the way, I was waiting for you," he said quickly while smiling as a dimple showed.

"Oh, thats sweet," I brushed my hair out of my face.

"Can we order," he asked to the person behind me.

A women quickly came to our table and gave us our menus.

I smiled at her and scanned through the names of dishes and meals. They're all fried kind of food, not to mention my type of food. "I would like the spaghetti bolognese please and water," I closed the menu.

The waitress smiled back and wrote it down on her small notepad, then she looked up and waited for Nelson to order.

"I would have what she's having," he decided while closing the menu and placing it on the table.

The waitress took our menus and walked away.

"So, how old are you?" I questioned him with curiousity in my eyes.

"I'm 22, and you are?"

"Oh uhm, 20," I smiled.

"So uh... Hobby?" He tilted his head while staring into my eyes.

"I don't really know yet," I frowned.

"How so?"

I frowned a bit, thinking about the accident I had causing my brain to forget my past.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring back-"

"Oh no its okay its okay," I assured him.



"So uh, where do you live?" I said, breaking the silence.

"I live around here actually, just a few blocks from here," he said with pride, "What about you?"

"I live around here too, at that apartement," I pointed right at the building.

"You new here?" he asked all of a sudden.

"Uh, yeah I am," I told him. He chuckled, I did too."

"I'm guessing you've been around here for quite some time have you?" I assumed. He nodded in agreement.

Just before we got to chat a little more, the food arrived. We both got our spaghetti bolognese and our glass of water and we cheered, making a 'cling' sound as the glass made contact to each other.

"For the beautiful lady, that agreed to go on a date with a nerd like me," he announced while holding the glass.

"For the gentleman that chose a girl like me out of all the other ladys out there," I announced back, placing the glass back down on the table.

We chatted more and more after finishing our food with laughter. We talked so much that I lost track of time.

"What time is it," I said trying to stop my laughter from a joke he made.

"I think 8 pm," he said between laughter.

"I should get going," I said breaking the silence.

"Oh of course," he grinned then turned towards the waitress and asked to pay.

When he was done paying, I thanked him for the meal.

Just before I got to face my head towards the direction to my apartment. He said "Let me walk you home,"

"Oh no its fine," I insisted.

"I can assure you its no biggy," he assured me. So I agreed.

There was a awkward tension between the two of us as we walked to my apartment.

Finally we arrived to my front door step.

"When is our next date Claud?" he asked with a smile stretched across his face.

"Uh maybe this friday," I suggested.

"Cool," he agreed.


"So bye," he walked to the elevator and waved. I waved back and went to my apartment.

I sat on the coach exhausted and drained. Was first dates supposed to be like this? I don't know, maybe nothing was supposed to happen. Because I didn't fall more inlove, I just felt the same. Maybe this thing we're having won't last as long as I thought it would've. Could be just another one of those stupid love stories.

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