Save Me [Cameron Dallas]

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Depression, that's a word that describes my life,my whole life is a mess. My name? Savannah Jones, I'm a 18 year old with a horrible past,no I wasn't abused,no I wasn't kicked,no my parents werent addicted to drugs and/or alcohol,my life was pretty good,until my family got in a car accident,me and my brother were injured,but we survived,but as for my parents. They didn't make it. This happened when I was about 7,I  was depressed,I wouldn't get out of bed, I never listened at school, when I turned 11,my brother walked out on me,I was forced to live in a foster home. I had one friend,my best friend,kailey. She understood why I was so quiet,she understood my past,when Kailey turned 14 she commited suicide,I was devastated,I was lost and alone,again. When I turned 14, I discovered cutting,it helped me,it was a stress reliever,I always had a razor with me,about 6 months later I was sent to a adoption center and not long after I was adopted,I was happy,but I still felt empty. They didn't notice my depression thankfully, I was sent to school, a place where I was judged for being quiet, I was getting even more depressed,until I met Cameron. He made me smile,laugh,something I haven't done in a long time. But my depression wasn't gone, I was silently screaming for help, I was dying on the inside, I had Cameron but I still felt empty,I wash broken,I was torn,I just needed some to Save Me.

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