The Voice

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AN: This one I wrote when I was going through a particularly tough time. It really helped me to go back and read it when things seemed to be at their worst for me. Maybe, just maybe, this could give you some hope, too. As always, please enjoy.

"The Voice"

They say that love

Makes the world go 'round

I cannot help but disagree

There is something greater

Something else we can not see.

For when I am down and

Feeling lower than I ever should.

I hear a voice calling to me, saying

I could do it, but only if I would.

That voice, it pulls me up

From the deep and dark abyss

It drives me forward, marching on

Opportunity, I'll never miss

That voice is the source of all good

Everything traces back to this

That voice is the voice of hope

A possibility, a dream, a wish.  

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