dating someone more than once

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What is the point of dating seine more than once? Boy is that a fun question to answer. Dating is commonly described as an act of love or passion.  Imagine loving someone a lot and thinking they feel the same and the two of you break up. You still have those feelings and that's OK. It's perfectly fine. So if the chance to date them comes up again you snatch it up.  That is why I have dated three people more than once. Except the first person was my first serious relationship.

(I'm not going to use your name but you know who you are 😂) We met about two ish years ago. I was primary and they were highschool. Now our school is pre-kinder to grade 12 so they were grade 7 (13) I think and I was grade 5 (11) or something. They're two years older than me so they're grade 10 and I am also a highschool student (grade 8). One of my friends that I've known for years introduced us because we both liked pewdiepie.

I think that was the first time I had a 'crush' on someone without knowing them. No it wasn't 'love at first sight it was more like 'your hot so can we date?' now I never said that but I thought it. Anyway. After about a year of knowing each other I came out to them.

At that time I was identifying as bisexual but now I fully identify as lesbian. So I came out and they were accepting (there's a reason for that but I won't say unless I have permission). But I had the problem of being in what I thought was love. Later on that year (last year) I got my first girlfriend. Me and her had been friends for years and I asked her out to distract myself. I know that sounds bad but we ended up being just friends and then a couple days later she passed away in a house fire...she's in a better place now and her sister passed away to so they're both in a better place.  But after her and her little sister passed away, me and my 'crush' started going out.

We were together for around four months then we brok up.  I was sad about it for a while and then I guess I felt better.  We were broken up for nearly three months and then I asked them out. They said yes and we dated for about two months and then we broke up again because we both liked other people.  We're still good friends though. They're the reason one of ex girlfriends and I were together actually.

My ex girlfriend, Faith, and I broke up the first because she is a thirsty thot and she cheated on me with her ex. The second time she put 'single' on her snapchat story (we don't talk anymore) so yea. A note for her. I hate you and I will happily spend my after life torturing you in hell so yee bye T H O T.

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