»27« {part 1}

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»27« {part 1}

{warning; there is mentions of sexual content, yet barely any.}

Ashton began to ignore Ellie more than he already was. He was pissed that she'd always send him dumb smirks or would glare at him when he was speaking to Luke when she wasn't. She was easily irritating him and both of them knew it.

Thankfully she was gone for the day. Her and her dumbass blonde friends were off at some mall, finally leaving Luke and Ashton alone for - almost - the whole day. Michael and Calum were hanging out with some of the One Direction boys for a football match.

That meant they were alone. That made Luke smirk and made Ashton's stomach knot up. They were in the middle of watching some American movie titled, "The Walk of Shame" while they cuddled on the small couch, Luke's large hand laced in Ash's curly locks.

"I missed you so much," the blonde mumbles while the credits rolled along the screen. Ash released a loud yawn followed by a giggle.

He looked up at Luke. "What does that mean? We're sort of in a band, we see each other all the time, doofus." Ash smacks Luke's arm slightly.

Luke leans down and presses his lips to the older boy's, pulling him up from his lying position and into his lap. Words were muffled as Luke's tongue slipped its way into Ashton's mouth.

Within a flash, Luke's Green Day shirt was crumpled on the floor and Ashton's was in the midst of being peeled from his body. The blonde's hands ran along Ashton's torso, both mumbling incoherent words to each other.

The white cloth was slipped above Ash's curly hair while the blonde's lips latched onto his sharp jaw. Sweet nothings left Ashton's pink lips in awe.

Luke's hands secured onto the older boy's hips as he began to undo the blonde's black skinny jeans. As they were being slid over the younger's bum, the tour bus door quickly opened and closed to reveal a steamed looking Ellie.

"What the fuck?!"

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