The Sandwhich

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The two months went by fast, but nothing came up about Hime. Kazuto wasn't so sure about a new family member, thankfully Asuna hasn't mentioned it.
He came into the kitchen and saw Asuna peeling some lettuce, Yui was jumping up and down next to her. Asuna put the lettuce in something and gave it to Yui, Yui gladly took it and bit into it. She chewed a few before she smiled happily.

"Is that...... a sandwich?" Kazuto asked

"You bet!" Asuna said happily.

"Daddy look! It's the same sandwich mommy made in SAO!" Yui said happily as she held the sandwich towards her dad.

Kazuto took it and took a bite. "Mmm, it's good. It tastes just like the sandwiches you made in the game."

Asuna smiled. "Yup, do you want one?" Asuna asked

Kazuto thought for a moment and made a slight grin. "Nah, I'll have Yui's." He said teasingly.

Yui frowned. "Aw no fair!" Yui tried to grab the sandwich out of his hand but kazuto held it up high enough.

Kazuto started to laugh until Asuna grabbed the sandwich from his hand. "Ha! Look who has the sandwich now!"

"Crap!" Kazuto quietly said

"Yay mommy!" Yui yells happily.

Kazuto started to walk towards Asuna slowly, noticing this, Asuna started to run the other way and upstairs.

Kazuto chased after her, Yui followed close behind. Asuna ran into their room and turned around facing the door. She watched as Kazuto and Yui came into the room. Kazuto playfully came closer while Asuna slowly walked backwards, once she ran into the edge of the bed she fell backwards and landed on the bed. Kazuto quickly jumped on her and tried to grab the sandwich, Asuna held it far enough while holding Kazuto back with her free hand. Yui came around the bed and took the sandwich from her mothers hand. She headed out the door, kazuto tried to follow her but Asuna grabbed around his waste and held him back.

"Where do you think your going mister!" Asuna smiled playfully. She tossed him back on the bed and laid on top of him, hugging him tightly. Kazuto tried to move but was pinned down.

After a few minutes, Asuna let him go and watched him dart out of the room. He ran downstairs and found Yui finishing up the sandwich, kazuto gave up and admitted defeat.

"It's okay daddy, mommy can make you one." Yui smiled.

Kazuto nodded while Asuna came down the stairs behind him. "What do you want on yours?" Asuna asked.

Kazuto looked at Asuna and smiled. "I want the same as Yui's."

Asuna smiled and walked towards the kitchen. Once she was done making the sandwich, she handed it to Kazuto who gladly took it and started to eat immediately.

Asuna smiled. "You really like sandwiched don't ya?"

Asuna and Kirito's AfterStory Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now