Chapter 1 - Guilt

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The beaming sunlight through my curtains rouse me from sleep. I jumped off my bed with such enthusiasm. Smile filling my whole face. It's the first day of summer, first day of fun!... or that's what my best friend Jai told me. I brushed my teeth and dressed casually with denim shorts that is just above me knees and a tie-dye shirt him and I made last summer. We agreed we'll wear it for the first time today. No matter how ridiculous we'd look. I put my wavy hair up in a bun, it's just as dark as cadbury chocolate bar. I grabbed a piece of paper off my blazer from yesterday and put it in my pocket. When I reached the kitchen I found my mother's note off the fridge. 

'Morning, Sweetheart! Will pick you up after your first day of work okay? Goodluck on your first day of work!! Love you! -Mum x'

I know what's going to happen today. This note have scratched my day already. My mum's going to nag me to tell Jai about it. I know, I have to somehow but I don't want it to go out right now, I need to make this summer last. I shook my head back to reality, today is going to be fun I thought to myself repeatedly. I grabbed a glass of milk and chugged it at once. The doorbell sang it's lovely melody and I run to get the door. Grin spread across his beautiful face. "Jai!!" I shrieked of excitement and pulled him in for a hug. He chuckled. 

"Ready for our first day of work?" he asked and I nod excitedly just like a little child nodding for an ice cream. He chuckled once again. "Come on then, don't wanna be late for our first day eh?" I made him wait outside in the porch as I grabbed my bag and sunglasses. I quickly run and wore my favourite kicks of red Chucks. He offered his arm out and I took it, we walked with our arms linked to each other. It almost like we're an old couple with matching shirts walking down the street. A few eyes we're layed on us and a few 'awe' were whispered. We both laughed when people looked at us weirdly. 

When we arrived at the sandiwch shop and we're greeted by four familiar faces. The first one I spotted is Jai's smartass twin, Luke. Next was James, Skip and Beau. Grins packed their angel-like faces. "Nice uniform" Luke chuckled not long when others followed. Jai and I both looked at each other and smiled. 

"I think we look pretty good" Jai answered his eyes still on mine. We held our gaze for a moment. I know I have some feelings for Jai, I know it's not this brotherly love anymore, I know it's more than that but I know it will ruin our friendship if I say anything. Besides what's the point? I know he only likes me as his best friend and if he does like me the way I do, I can't risk our friendship or even worst hurting him...

The soothing sound of the rattling bells on the door interrupted our gaze. Costumers. Of course! We were lost in to our own little world for a moment but we shook it out and ready to serve the costumer. Half way our shift we decided to take a break since the shop is less busy. "So, a bucket list for the summer?" Jai asked and I nod. "Why?" he asked once more.

"You know life is short, I might as well make the best of it. So I want to start now!" I said with such enthusiasm as I pulled out the piece of paper from my pocket and shove it to his chest as he chuckled. He read through it for a moment. I gulped on what his reaction is going to be. 

"These are all ridiculous, Gabi!" he shook his head, disapproving. I frowned. "It's just not you.." he said in the sweetest way he can but it didn't work this time. I wanted this. I wanted to finish this list in summer, as early as possible. He took a deep breathe then looked at me sincerity pact his eyes. "Okay, let's do it!" he finally said. Excitement filled my whole body and I started jumping up and down. My list is pretty simple, they are the stuff I've never experienced before. My first kiss, drinking, try drugs, being kiss in the rain, be in a madhouse party, stay up all night and of course to watch the sun rise. 

"thank you, thank you, thank you!" I shrieked and flung my arms around his neck for a hug. His chuckle filling my ears. He patted my back and pulled away.

"Let's get back to work" he laughed.

"Yes, sir!" I replied

"Are we walking home today?" he asked on our way back to the counter

"No, mum's picking me up" I gulped. Words are blocked out. I don't know what excuse to use if he ask why. Moments later he did. He asked why. I panicked and I said the most scatter-brained word ever. "Pickles" in a matter of seconds he burst of laughing and I joined. We forgot about it and finished our work by 3:55. I said my goodbye to him as I waited for my mum to pick me up.

I'm dreading doing this. I can't take anymore longer in this state. It breaks me whenever I see Jai and act as if nothing is wrong at all. It breaks me to lie to him every single time. A cold breeze of summer blew me into tears. Just thinking about tomorrow. If I would still be here tomorrow or the next day? or the next or next week? I don't know. A buzzed from my pocket made me wiped my tears away. I pulled my phone out and read the message. It was from Jai. 

'movie night tonight? I'll go at yours? let's tick staying up all night off your list ;)' I giggled. 

'sure!! I'll text you when I get back! prepare a movie starting with P ;) I'll get the food' I replied. Food starting with P? Pizza, Popcorn, Pringles. Hmmm. The three are good. Guess we're going to have Pizza, Popcorn and Pringles for tonight. 

My mum soon arrived. We soon are on our way to the place I'd least want to go. It makes feel weak just thinking about it... 

Ecstasy of SummerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon