Chapter 9 - Accident Eavesdropping

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Jai was rushing downstairs his face worried. "Dad, please" I sobbed. My father's face was full of anger it was horrifying. He continued to knock things over. "Dad, Stop!!" I was ignored. "Jai, do something!" I screeched in tears. 

"Uncle Andy stop, stop, stop" Jai stood in front of him, carefully he grabbed Dad on his arms as my Father sobbed in tears. It broke my heart as the same water fall starts flowing down my face. He slowly slid down on the floor, his head bowed whilst crying. 

"Daddy" I croaked. My arms we're wrapped around him. I didn't know what else to say. "Dad, it's okay." that was the only thing I could say. We were sat there crying in silence, I looked up to Jai whose face was completely blanked. He was staring in a blank space. Almost like he was in shock then he slowly looked at me his face still in shock then I saw it. Tears we're threatening to spill from his chocolate brown eyes - the whole place was somehow in slow motion, he blinked then there it was a tear fell on the beige carpet. He left without a word whilst looking down, his figure trailed after him. I gasped as the event processed in my head. "He... he heard" I spilled. My eyes widened at the realisation. I was sat there in agony, helpless and broken. 


"Gabi? Gab?" an angelic voice echoed, it almost sound like Ange.

"Ange?" my raspy voice asked confuse. 

"you okay?" it echoed again. I slowly opened my eyes, the only vision I could see was a blurred out figure. I blinked repeatedly forcing my eye sight to come back to normal. Then there it was, Ange's face. 

"Where's Dad?" I asked. She offered me her hand for me to sit up and I took it. 

"He's upstairs with your Mum" she replied. 

I nod and looked around. The place looked like an earthquake knock the furnitures over but really it was the damage my Dad has done. "Where's Jai!?" I immediately asked as images of him leaving flashes in my mind. 

"I don't know, he was gone" she shrugged. I shook my head not believing he has left.

"No. No, he won't leave! Where's his brothers?" 

"They're outside with Daniel, James and Brylle" 

I made my way outside and see the boys in the lawn sitting whilst on their phone. "Can one of you  guys drive me to Ice Shack?" I asked

"No way! I love their ice creams! I will!!" Brylle jumped in happiness. 

"Why do you wanna go there?" Ange asked. 

"Duuh! It's Jai and Gabi's favourite ice cream place!" Luke replied. His humour in sarcasm never failed to make me smile. 

"Alright Einstein!" Ange said annoyed "In that case let's take my dad's truck" she added

"A'right! I'll drive!" Beau said amused. 

"I'll come as well" James said as he stand up. 

"count me in" Daniel smiled. 

I was sat in the front passenger's sit. Uneasy the only thing I said the whole ride was: 'Hurry!' and Luke would follow with his sarcastic comment: 'Oh Beau, if you wanna,  you can drive anymore slower. It's not like Gabi's in a hurry'. Once we have reached Ice Shack I ran inside. There was Jai, in our usual corner - sitting alone. From a far you could see his eyes puffy red. I slowly made my way to the table and sat down in front of him. "Jai..." I croaked. 

No answer. His arms were crossed on the table and his head down avoiding any eye contact. "Jai, please talk..." I begged. "I know I should've told you earli-"

"Then why didnt you?" he cut me off. 

I gasped to hear his voice. He didn't raise his voice nor it was calm but there was something in his voice, you feel the confrontation. The way he said it and the tone of his voice, it was different. He sounded betrayed and hurt, who am I kidding of course he'll feel betrayed, we're best friends and a couple, of course he's hurt. I ran out of words to say, I was speechless to talk. my mind was blacked out. 

"Gabi, I could take it. I could take the truth" 

"But I didn't want to hurt you..."

"What hurts me the most is you didn't tell me the truth!"

"Jai, please I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you..." 

"I can't talk right now. I need to be alone" he stood up and made his way out. I was left sitting alone, my mind was confuse. 

"Gabi, just let him go for a moment. He probably just need some space to think on his own" someone said from behind as  they put their hand on my shoulder. I hesitated to look but I did anyway. 

"James.." I croaked. 

He smiled and he sat in front of me. "I've known Jai since year 8, he has been always mysterious to others but not to you. So maybe on whatever you guys are fighting about you'll make up. He can't stay mad at you for ages. We all know that" 

"I hope so.." 

"Hey, Gabrylle" Brylle greeted as he sit next to James whilst licking the scrape of ice cream on a spoon. He grinned at me. 

"Hello, Brylle" I said trying to be enthusiastic as he was. 

He giggled whilst staring at the spoon. "Do you know what's a funny word?" he asked still giggling. "Fork" he burst out laughing. "It's like Pork but with an F!" he exclaimed still laughing. James and I both looked at him weirded by his random comments. He gasped then looked at me. "Did you know what I've dreamt about last night?" 

"What?" I asked curious what kind of dreams Brylle gets. 

"That I had a kangaroo pouch" he grinned. "And I could pull out  any food I wanted!" 

"Nice, Brylle. That's really normal!" I said and pat his shoulder. "I'll just go..." I excused and walked away. I wondered what has that kid been eating. Somehow his weird self made me smile and made me forget all the worst events that took place the whole day. 

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