His Innocence pt1

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This is the first in a series of oneshots. I admit this is pretty long, a total of 3,435 words. But despite the long ass story I hope you get to the end, there is a lot of smut so yeah. There is also some ships in here, Namjin and Jihope 😆. Have fun reading. Love ya 😘.

The group had just arrived at their dance studio at 4pm to practice their dance for their "Just One Day" MV. The boys walk in and get settled putting down bags and what not, they waste no time in setting up the chairs and speakers for the dance and they began the choreography.

Mid-way through the 16th run of the dance number Yoongi was half dead, J-hope was turning into J-nope, and Jungkook was sweating bullets.

"Hoooooome!" Moaned Yoongi face sweaty and on the floor. "Lets go HOOOOOME!!"

At that everyone gathered themselves and flopped into the van and headed back to the dorms. Its 8pm by the time the boys reach home.

They get into the dorms and everyone makes the floor look like a crime scene. All seven boys spread out on the floor, the fans blasting as they attempt to cool off. After a few minutes the hunger begins to kick in and Jin stands.

"Alright who's ready for dinner?" Asks Jin raising an eyebrow.

The entire group chimes in with a massive "ME!". All accept Namjoon who stood as well.

"Uh uh. You. Are needed upstairs." He said to Jin, a smirk gracing his face , sporting his dimples nicely.

Jin blushes slightly at his boyfriend. "Namjoonie oppa, n-not in front of the guys" Jin said looking down at all of the smirks and smiles looking up him. All accept Jimin.

"Upstairs. Now." Spoke Namjoon smooth but stern. Jin understood and obeyed, giving the other boys an apologetic smile as Namjoon pulls him by the wrist towards the stairs.

At once all the boys turned to face a sleepy (as always) Yoongi as he sighed.

"Guess I'm cooking for you savages then." Yoongi said begrudgingly, not wanting to move.

At that all of the remaining boys stood and went off to do their own pass time tasks leaving Yoongi to cook by his lonesome (poor suga). Jungkook started up MarioKart8 hoping to catch a good game with his school friends. Jimin sat and watched. While Taehyung and Hoseok went upstairs to do what ever.

After a while of watching Jungkook smash buttons Jimin began to grow bored, sighing slightly he lifted himself off the sofa and made his way up the stairs. As he neared the landing on the staircase, Jimin could hear the faint sounds of panting and....whimpers?

"Maybe Someone is crying?" Thought Jimin as he continued to walk down the hall.

But as he neared the source of the "crying" he heard, he saw Taehyung sitting on his knees in the doorway of Namjoon and Jin's bedroom.

Curious the innocent 19 year old questioned Taehyung and his current case of matters.

"What are you doing TaeTae?" Jimin asked sweetly smiling down at the younger.

Taehyung shush his hyung softly, pointing to the ajar door in front of them and resuming his little activity, patting the floor next to him.

Jimin took the offer to sit and be apart of the younger boy's fun, peeking through the cracked door as well.

"A-ah!~Mmm~Namjoon" Jin breathed as he was receiving pleasure from the taller.

Jimin stared wide-eyed at the scene before him, his innocent mental leaving him confused at what was happening.

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