Creepypasta/MH OC! Anoni the Weapons Trader! 32nd +33rd Drawing!

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Guys, I know how OC's aren't particularity popular in the Creepypasta fandom, but just for the heck of it and since I haven't updated in a while I'll show y'all drawings of my OC and her story.

Name: Rebecca Abbot, Anoni/Omi

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Name: Rebecca Abbot, Anoni/Omi

Age:25 (stuck on that age, ageless)

Weight: 140 pounds

Birthday: April 13th, 1982-Present

Personality: Serious, Protective, Active, Caring, Ethical, Productive, Dependable, Empathetic, Submissive, Untidy, Unassuming, Humorous (sometimes though-only to the ones she cares about and most all kids) Even-Tempered (but once somebody says shit about her face being "messed up!" and "looks worse than dog shit!" she CAN and WILL kill them. They're usually young adults trying to flirt their way through her so they can have sex and shiz, but their usual reaction when seeing her face is...well...not the best way to react.)

Characteristics: Auburnish hair that goes down her shoulder, round maroon eyes, straight nose, no freckles, pale skin, soft pink-tinted lips, slight pear figure,  thick trimmed eyebrows, stitches and burns particularly on the right side of her face, round/oval face

OK. So her real name is Rebecca Abbot. As you can guess from the title, she is a Weapons Trader. She negotiates in black market and collects weapons while travelling around the world. Not that scary, I know.

But she kills people to gain those weapons.

Since little, she was very fascinated with weapons and since her dad (Dill Abbot) never really gave a crap about what she did, she was usually seen observing a kitchen knife or a bullet she found in a dark alleyway. One day, she just didn't give a crap and walked out of the house without ever coming back. She and her dad never really formed a daughter-father relationship, so for all she knows her dad knew she left him for good, but was too lazy to even run after her. Adding on to that, her father never called her by her name after her mom died from cancer. Even if they lived in a small, two bedroom apartment, they rarely shared glances at each other. That's one of the reasons why her underground name she goes by is Anoni (Anonymous), since she guessed over the years she was with her dad, she was just anonymous to him. 

Ok, so now about the burn on her face and partial burn on her neck.

She got the burn when she accidentally burned half of her face off when observing a blow-torch. She was still very young when it happened (probably around 6-7) and was still with her dad. When she woke up, she was in a hospital and the right side of her face was heavily bandaged along with her neck. Every time she moved her face or craned her neck, it shot pain to the right side. The nurse said that a mailman saw her unconscious body sprawled on the ground from the window and immediately rushed inside the apartment (the door was unlocked) and called 911. A few days later, the mailman visited, but not her father. Her father never visited. When she saw her face in the mirror, she nearly cried in horror. Her pride as a girl had shattered. It took her months to recover emotionally. So she grew out her bangs, so nobody can see it and wore thicker scarves to hide her burns. As for the bullet hole and the stitches on her neck...

 On September 10th, 2007, she got shot right in the neck by the bullet of a pistol and the owner of the gun (who was very sadistic) sawed her neck off in his basement . It was punishment for her trying to steal his Colt 1911 (a WW2 handgun). 

But as her decapitated head oozed blood, she heard a voice- a static like voice stating, 

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But as her decapitated head oozed blood, she heard a voice- a static like voice stating, 

"If you want to live, work for me. You do not need to be a Proxy, but rather a mere coworker-negotiator. You will bring me weapons of my preference and bring it to a mansion located in the deepest part of woods. Understood?"

 She blinked (and yes, her head is decapitated when she is blinking. It is scientifically proven that a human head is conscious for at most 30 seconds before dying) as an answer. Next thing she knew she felt her head getting lifted and pushed gently against her body. She felt something getting injected in her neck. She noticed it was stitches. Suddenly she felt her legs, her feet, and the roof of her mouth. Everything was back to normal. It was as if she was never dead. 

So after she got out of the basement, she killed the man with a pocket knife she had on her and stole the Colt 1911. She also did Odd Jobs here and there, from the most innocent of job offers to the most horrific. One day she could try to be looking for a cat for a poor girl (she doesn't charge kids though, she has a soft spot for kids), while some other day somebody might ask her to kill somebody in the most descriptive manner (she will kill only adults though, she will never kill children. She won't and can't stoop that low to kill children.)

Once or twice a month she goes to the usual forest and start bringing weapons for Slenderman so he can give some to his proxies (since they're all very reckless and probably don't treat their weapons well). Although she's very fond of weapons, she'll give any sort of weapon to Slenderman, since he did save her life. 

Her other name, Omi, was a underground name given to her about the other side of her face. People referred to her as Omi rather than Anoni when seeing the other side of her face because of the large difference compared to the left side of her face. The name had been created when a man had referred to the burn on her face as 'Ominous as hell', hence the name had been created in a rather joking manner. Anoni secretly hates that name given to her, so don't get confused if she starts glaring daggers at you when you call her Omi. 

Ok, so that's about it for my OC, Anoni.  I know it's sucky and all (doesn't make much sense, I know), but at least I went original with my character designs and didn't repeatedly use hoodies for my OC, right?  

+Also I'm just going to add my first drawing of the Proxies (Masky/Tim:Left, Hoodie/Brian:Middle, Toby:Right). I'm not particularly proud of it because I should of made Tim look more chubby and have bigger lips, but who cares anyway right?

(I showed this picture to my 5 year old sister and she started crying because I kept teasing her about Hoodie being under her bed, while repeatedly zooming the screen to Hoodies face)

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(I showed this picture to my 5 year old sister and she started crying because I kept teasing her about Hoodie being under her bed, while repeatedly zooming the screen to Hoodies face)

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