Chapter 11: Near

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Chapter Eleven: Near

Word spread like a wildfire among the pack about Heather and Rain’s fight.

Disappear was not pleased with Heather attacking Rain. She put Heather on caring for the elders, an apprentice job. Heather spent most of her time fuming, almost always in a foul mood, except for when she was near her pups. At least she held her tongue when she was near them.

Breeze was shocked by the attack, but Bubble, however, had no trouble believing it.

“I knew Heather would do something like that, she’s so stubborn and biased.” Bubble said. “She’s also very demanding. It’s her way or no way half the time.”

More than half the time.” Cameo corrected.

“But still, doesn’t it seem like a bit much to attack Rain?” Breeze said uneasily.

“Yeah, but not for Heather-“

Bubble was interrupted by Disappear.

“We’ll take a rest now.” Disappear announced. Multiple wolves sighed in relief; they had been traveling all morning without stopping, and it was midday now. “Winter, Speed, and Shadow will hunt.”

The three named wolves retreated into the woods together, while all the others padded towards the trees. They lay underneath the shaded shelter, only getting up to drink water from a nearby puddle. Disappear walked towards Cameo and the two sisters.

“We are near.” Disappear said.

“We’re close to Smooth Stones?” Breeze asked, sounding excited.

Disappear nodded. “The pack will stay here. I’ll choose four wolves to accompany me, since we don’t won’t to look like a threat.”

“Who will you take?” Bubble asked curiously.

“I’ll definitely take Leif. I think I’ll also take Shadow, Rain, and Cameo.”

“Great!” Cameo said. “Why Rain, though?”

“They might attack us, until they realize who we are.” Disappear said. “Rain is experienced in that area of expertise.”

“That’s true.” Bubble admitted.

After a few more minutes, the smell of freshly caught wildcat flooded their noses, and the hunting trio came into view, dragging a young cougar on the pine-needle littered ground.

Disappear stood up and padded towards them. The senior warriors did, too; the leader always ate first, along with the seniors, including the elders. The apprentices and junior warriors were after. Nursing mothers were allowed in both groups.

They groomed themselves and each other after, a pack custom after a large kill. They shared news, mostly gossiping about the latest things. Much to Heather’s annoyance, they talked about her attack on Rain. That, and, of course, how much more time until they arrived at Smooth Stones.

Disappear jumped on top of a low hanging branch on a pine tree and threw back her silvery gray head and howled. We are coming to Smooth Stones. Do not attack us, or we’ll have to defend ourselves. We will explain ourselves if given the chance. Our pack name is Moon Stars.

Most of the wolves looked oddly at her, until they realized what the message meant.

“It’s about time we’re close!” many yowled. They began talking loudly and excitedly, until Disappear snapped “Silence!” and they quieted.

“We are close, as you have noticed.” She began, her gaze sweeping her pack, the pack she herself founded so many moons ago. “I have decided everyone except a patrol of five- including me- will remain here, so we won’t seem like a threat. I have chosen Leif, Shadow, Rain, and Cameo to accompany me. We leave at dusk.” She leaped smartly off the tree branch just as the pack began talking once more.

“You will need to get some rest.” Disappear said, trotting up to the trio consisting of Cameo, Breeze, and Bubble.

Cameo nodded and walked underneath the shelter of a nearby tree, but not before earning a myriad of congratulations! from various wolves.  

He lay on his belly with his head on his paws, his eyes not quite closed. After a few minutes, Winter padded up to him.

“I’m proud of you,” she said, “earning the privilege of accompanying the leader on a patrol! That’s a huge honor, you know. Then again, she’s always had a particular interest in you.”

“Doesn’t she take an interest in everyone?” Cameo asked, a slight drowsiness in his voice.

“Well, yes,” Winter admitted, “but you’ve not been a warrior long enough to be a senior. That in itself says she might favor you.”

“Perhaps.” Cameo yawned.

“Oh, am I keeping you awake?” she fretted. “I’ll withdraw myself now.” She leaned forward, licked Cameo’s ear, then left.

Cameo twitched his ear, watched her go, and then once more lay his head on his paws, drifting off to a dreamless sleep.

DisappearOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant