Chapter Two

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-The 12th Month-
Amberson stood in front of a dirty mirror, a small cloth in her hand as she pressed it against the mirror roughly. She began to scrub, seeing the dirt go away she let out an accomplished chuckled. Once she had finished cleaning the mirror she stepped back checking out her outfit as she tossed the cloth into a bucket of icky water. The girl was now wearing stretchy pants with a crop top, not a fashionable crop top but a shirt she had cut up herself. The thirteen year old did a small turn as she then picked up a small bowl with black face paint, the girl dipped two fingers and brushed them over her eyes. She then added some small dots underneath them as she finished quickly.

The girl turned wiping her hands on the same dirty cloth as she picked up her machete walking outside, she had finally pilled the bodies and burning them was an ease. A great sense of relief had escaped her once she had finished collecting all the bodies, while she did it the girl tied a shirt around her mouth scared to inhale something that wouldn't be good for her.

She had picked up more vocabulary in Trigedasleng. The young girl only talked in Trigedasleng so she could practice. "Nau go fix the fish traps(go fix the fish traps)" she told herself as she slowly walked towards the lake grabbing a small bag on the way, the bag was made out of multiple fabrics. Once she had made it to the lake she slipped off her pants and shoes the young girl slipping into the water letting a low squeal at the sudden contact of the cool water. She bent over picking up the trap seeing two larger fish inside, the girl let a happy yell as she opened the trap letting the fish flop in the the hard part killing the fish. The girl moved back to the bank of the river she slowly pulled out one fish gripping it roughly as she held it to the ground, she then pulled a small blade raising it and slamming it down on the fish's neck. The squirming instantly stopped causing the girl to flinch as she did the same thing to the second one. Once she headed back to the camp the girl bent down placing the dead fish onto the table.

The young girl looked up, the sun was still shining which meant it wasn't time for dinner. The girl took her blade as she moved towards the "training rink" she had made with fake dummies and obstacle courses...which where just logs. Amber spent her time training here, a small smile appeared on her face as the girl started.

Once she had finished the girl changed her clothes to a over baggy shirt and ripped sweater. Amber slowly moved towards a large tree that she had grown to "love" she began to climb up it slowly as her hands clawed at the bark so she wouldn't fall to her death. Once she had gotten high up she sat promptly on a branch, she looked around seeing wasteland past the garden of eden. Suddenly she pulled out a small red book from her pocket and along with it one of the smallest pencils, she leant against the tree as she began to write.

'I don't know how long I've been alone for but it feels like years already. I've improved with my skills but at night I️ can't seem to sleep properly. Nightmares fill my head and I️ just end up crying. I️ remember my mother and brother, but most importantly I️ just have nightmares of my friends. They have to be alive. If they aren't I️ don't know what I'll do with myself. Skylar should be in the bunker with Lewis along now, I️ hope the two are having fun...not to much fun-' the girl paused as she began to laugh before going back to writing as her small hand flipped the page. 'Amelia is in the sky with McAllen who's her one true love. Melody should be learning tons from the two. Melody would be Eleven now...since it's been some time. I️ hope they made her some type of birthday cake. Okay that's all for tonight good night journal' the girl said as she closed the book letting out a shaky sigh as she slipped the red book and pencil in her pocket as she began to climb down the tree to head back to her home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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