My Experience

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A/N: Hi guys! This is my first work as an author on Wattpad. Let me know if you like it down below in the comments. I know that I can always improve my writing so if you feel like there something that needs to be worked on, please let me know.

Disclaimer: This is a stand-alone short story at the moment. Let me know if you want a sequel!

This is not meant to be a fictional story. You can take it like that after reading this but all the events I am about to tell you are the complete and utter truth. There are other dimensions that our tiny brains cannot comprehend. Beings that are not meant to be seen by our eyes. They lurk in the shadows and watch your every move. Every good deed and sin. This is your soul guardian.

I assume you must be wondering that if a soul guardian is some sort of demon that has come to haunt the living hell out of us. A soul guardian will appear any way you imagine. A demon or angel. A normal human or a hideous entity. They will always be watching you. Why are they watching you? The answer is quite simple but it has a meaning deeper than what our brains can comprehend. They are judging you. Wondering if you will survive or not. They will be testing you your entire life to determine if you are brave, strong and fearless. You will hear voices in your head occasionally or might have random objects falling when you're alone. Do not be afraid. It is your soul guardian.

There are stories of those who have discovered their soul guardian and have lived to tell the tale. Their lives have scarred for eternity and most have lost their sanity. I will now tell you my personal encounter with my soul guardian and what has happened to me now.

It all started with a feeling. I always felt like I had been watched my entire life. Felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when I entered a room alone and palms sweating whenever I shut my bedroom door before going to sleep. Telling people did not help my case. My parents would always brush it off as my imagination acting up. My friends thought I was crazy. Hearing people tell the same thing all time made me believe that I was imagining all this. I had no idea it was my soul guardian.

I think I was around 12 when the first incident happened. My parents, believing me to be old enough to be left alone for a couple of hours, left to go an office party. I was quite content with staying home and curling up with a good book or watching a movie. I was in the living room aimlessly flipping through channels when a noise came from the corridor. Getting up, I went to check what happened. There I found a glass vase, knocked down from the table. I found it to be quite strange because there was no one else in the house but me. I brushed it off, saying that it must have been a gust of wind.

Returning to the living room, I shut off the TV and decided to get ready for bed, hoping my parents would be home soon. As I was brushing my teeth, I felt a cold draught of air on my neck. I immediately froze, not knowing what was going on. It was a warm summer's night and I had left the air conditioning on so it must have been coming from the living room. It was still a bit odd because the living room was on the other side of the house. Shaking my head, I rinsed my mouth and walked to my room, thinking it was just the night wearing on me. How wrong I was.

As I climbed into my bed, I felt someone trace my hand. I shrieked and made a split-second decision to run to door when my mind was plagued with a vision. I was in a barren, dark landscape littered with dead bodies and torn limbs. Just like that, I was back in my room, in the exact same position as before. To shell-shocked to do anything, I just stood there, my brain trying to process what I had seen.

After that, I was scared to go anywhere alone. My parents thought nothing of it, saying that I was just tired and thought I had felt those things. I knew what was going on. A presence was following me. Scaring me out of my wits whenever I was alone.

The second incident happened when my parents had gone out to buy my uniform. School was about to start and my old uniform was too small. I had begged and begged to go with them, but they would not let me come, claiming me to be a nuisance whenever we went shopping. The first hour or two went by without any episodes but I was paranoid. What if the presence was just bidding its time? Waiting until I was unsuspecting and then attacked me. These thoughts kept playing in my head repeatedly.

As I decided to take a nap to calm my nerves, a beeping came from my room. I immediately knew it was my alarm but I remembered the batteries had died almost a month ago. I was certain I had not replaced the batteries. Why was it beeping? I crept to my room, fearful about the horrors I was about to face. I entered the room, mentally preparing myself. What I did not expect is a voice to speak out to me. It told me that his name was Matthew and he was my soul guardian. He was to watch over my life and test me. What he told next my mind is still in shock in name. Only a few ever stay sane after hearing what I was told.

Remember how I told you if these guardians are testing to see if you are worthy or not. They were judging to see of you had what it takes to become one of them. A creation far above anything else. Those selected go through vigorous training to prove themselves. They are then given a soul to watch over. Testing to see if they are worthy. Next time you feel like you are being watched, just remember, it's me.  

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