Tell Me Everything

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I actually got a ranking on this story and I am so happy I've never thought this would happen though I don't know how or what it means either.  Just thought I'll share my joy and thank you guys a ton for reading. 

"You know I've haven't really noticed it at the time but Peter had glasses on when we met. It's kinda cute never thought I'll see him wear something like though." Wade said leaning back against the old couch while Nathan just blinked at him. 

"So tell me what happened," Wade said opening up the beer can. "Do you mean everything or just what happened to Peter?" Wade set the can down glancing at Nathan "Would it be rude to say I don't care about anything else."

"Yes It would"

"So tell me everything that effects Peter"

'He knows it rude but doesn't care. Was he always this one-sided?'

"Peter is the first real friend I'd made" Wade's words for once a long time ago rang in Nathan's head he ignored it but parts of himself resented Peter or did he truly resent Wade for becoming so attached.

"I used to like you, you know," Nathan said suddenly though wade had little reaction. "Do you still'?"

"Ew who could love that face and your too crazy" Wade even laughed at that "Then why wait?"

"Are you kidding me you knew how extremely shy I was like I was ever able to tell you my feelings" Wade took a sip his eyes glanced somewhere else. "Do you think Peter would think the same that I'm insane to handle?"

"I've only met Peter a couple of times before once he fought Yabbot for just speaking your name leaving him a bloody mess." Nathan laughed at the thought. "He's like a jar filled with butterflies gorgeous on its own but tick him off and those butterflies can kill you in an instant." Wade cooed "Oh that's such a scary description of wittle baby Peter it almost breaks my heart." Nathan took a looked around "But you knew that right you knew that when you first met him again how deadly he could be but for some reason, he doesn't fight he just allow the enemy to have his way and that's it"

"Why must you use such a weird way of saying it," Wade said his face blushing a little. "Why did it make you think of weird things?"

"It made me want to kill anyone who touched him"

"See insane I was right but you shouldn't be too jealous it's you that made him that way not wanting to die some petty death like you he wanted to make you proud." Wade smiled fondly "That's such a silly statement did he actually say that?"

"He did what makes it so silly?"

"He should know he could never make me disappointed in him If anything I'm extremely proud of him" Nat laughs "You guys are cute you know so why are you taking your time tell him these things instead of just complaining to me"

"I'm scared to even if what you say is true even if Peter secretly still remembers me I would still be scared that he'll reject me."

"If anything I think he'll hit you for making him believe that you were dead. Hit you again and again then maybe cry. Not that I say him cry before"

"Good you should never see him cry"

"Look how possessive you are?"

"I just want to do what I couldn't before and until I could do so I'm happy being his guardian angel."

"Is that what you're calling yourself now?"

"Well I did save him so why not?"

"Yabbat is after him" Nathan noted as Wade sat up abruptly. "Why?"

"Well that fight got to him he wanted to see more of the boy that got Wade to grow guts but every since that day Peter stopped fighting. Yabbat felt lied to so he sends out people to beat him up there in his schools in his neighborhood just basically everywhere even people, not with Yabbat want to fight him just because he's not fighting back. I mean do you know how much damage Peter did when was a kid. Reckless so reckless."


Peter closed his door as he heard the click as he feels to the ground his face beaming red as his hand covered his face as if it was his blush from himself. "Why did he have on that outfit? No one knew but-" He quickly moved his hands from his face got up glancing at the doll that was given to him "It looks so similar."

"Too similar what are the odds?" he said flopping on to his bed with the toy tightly in his hands. "I miss you"


Ever since then, it became a routine Peter would departure from his friends not soon after someone would attempt to mess with him with Deadpool rushing in to save him but wade would turn eyes gleaming though Peter can't see them as he awaited praise from the younger one. But ever time the same response. "I never asked you to help me why don't you mind your own business? but.....thanks" His last words were almost like sugar to bitter coffee he would do every day for the last 'thanks' he would do it every day just to hear his voice just to see him smile.

"Why don't you just tell him already?" Cable asked appearing from on top of a rooftop. "And say what hey you know I'm that friend that supposedly died that'll work out fine."

"You'll have to tell him something if you don't who will if you would somehow get yourself killed with your work"

"Is that what you're worried about that I'll won't be able to tell him?"

"Is there a reason not too. I mean you told me nothing but what happened to your face! Despite the fact that we're friends I have no idea what happened to you"

Wade smile was hidden beneath his mask. "did you really care that much?"

"no duh what did you expect!"

"You really have changed from the shy little kid before." 

"That's what happens when you leave for four years." 

Wade sighed as he glanced down the pathway Peter long gone he turned to Cable "What do you want to know?"


Peter walked as if he was to fill a  mission though he just wanted to get home without another incident without some rando coming up to him wanting to smash his face into the cement. His eyes stared forwards with a plain look on his face his glasses making him look more serious than what he's actually is.  HIs eyes landed on a man that he swore he saw before his short brown hair and blue eyes he was wearing a lab coat and thin black frames glasses. "Curt Conners" Peter called out to the man when his identity finally clicked. 

"Oh, your that little boy from that day," Curt said stopping with a small smile through something stood out rather odd to Peter as he began to fully look at him till he saw he was missing his left arm.

"What happened." He asked and of course Curt knew what he talking about how could he not he got this question a lot and still do it's just something he has to live with unless... "Oh, this... I just lost it while helping to treat some patients in war." Peter looked away instantly his hand tightening around his arm.  "Oh, I'm sorry." 

"Don't be." Curt grinned a bit and nudge peter with his available arm. "But I heard that the schools were buzzing about a specific Peter Stark" Peter smiled "I've never thought the news spread that far." 

"Yup all the way to me so since we met early then how about you come work with me?"

"At the hospital?" Peter repeated. "I'm not very good with blood-" 

"No at my new job as a scientist just stop by at my lab." Peter's eyes widen. "You'd really did it" 

"I did it was thanks to you actually, helping me follow my dreams"


"I was given this 'medication' if you would put it like that and it made me invincible"

"Like all those bad guys from old cheesy movies?"

"Pretty much"

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