{chapter four}

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"WTF?!"~you yelled

You ran to the door and went outside

Took the elevator to the 5th floor

You ran to the other apartment, almost fell

You knocked on the door and a tall boy opened

Well fuck, why do all the boys have to be so attractive here

Oh yeah because they are in a FUCKING POPULAR BOYBAND THAT'S WHY

"Annyeong , 내 숙녀분."

The only thing you understand is "annyeong"

"Annyeonghaseyo."~ you replied, even
though you didn't understand the half of it

You looked at him, and you recognized him from the picture you saw

He has plump lips and deep dimples, he is extremely attractive

"So, what's up?"~ he said after a couple minutes silence

"Well, do i look that strange that everybody sees that i am a foreigner?"~ you asked, kinda annoyed

''I didn't say you look strange, but you can just see that you aren't Korean, so you must be foreigner.''~he said

''What's your name?''~he asked right after

''Y/n, but that's not why i am here for.''~you tried to look inside, to find Yoongi, but the boy was standing in the way

''Ah, so your the famous ''Y/n''?''~he looked at you from bottom to top

''Not bad''~he said while biting his lips

''Excuse me?''

''Forget it, is Yoongi here?"~you asked while trying to enter

He stopped you

''Why are you looking for him?''

''그녀를 안으로 들어가게하십시오!''~ you heard a voice from the inside

The boy sighed and let you in

You didn't know what he said but you're grateful he did

You walked inside

It was a lot more decorated than your apartment

Well, ofcourse you just came to live here

It smelled like boys in here

Not a bad smell, just cologne and other stuff i guess

And you smelled a delicious smell coming from the kitchen

''Hi there, beautiful''

You didn't realize there was another boy on the couch

''Hello.''~ you replied

He stood up from the couch

Wow, that boy is a lot smaller than the one from the door

But still so damn attractive

''I am sorry, i didn't want to disturb whatever all of you guys were doing, is just want to talk to Yoongi.''

''How do you know him.''~ the boy asked

''Well, we met at the~~

''Airport''~ a guy coming from the hallway finished your sentence

It was Yoongi

''Yes, that's true, the airport''~ you said while looking at Yoongi

''No more questions.''~ he said while grabbing your wrist gently

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