Chapter 1

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Ignore the hat and the journal and the cost is open
Y/N's Pov
I got an invitation to join a party I get dressed into my detective clothes grabbed my black LG phone then left I put on my mask holding my invitation to the man and when I got to the house I saw a table standing with my name on it and other tables with their name they all came one by one when everyone came in we started telling our name then a man came in and started talking "Hello everyone my name is M and M stands for the first english word
Memory, Murder, and Mystery welcome to my party I hope you all have a good time but this is not a game everyone there is a friend that I used to work his name in K is a charming friend but I stopped working for him and my friend C was always crazy im going to say this the first letter is this Mystery Can't Be. Unsolved with a certain signal the game begin and I'm going to be the victim now let the game begin " he said then all the lights turned off and a ringing sound then a gun shot was fired when the light came back on we saw Mr. M dead we all screamed we then started looking for clues I found a wire that connects to the second floor we all went into a group of three I went with Yoo JaeSuk, SeHun, and Ahn JaeWok while the others went somewhere we went up to the second floor to see the window opened then a blonde man saw us and ran we followed him then the others saw us then we try to catch the blonde man but he got away but I saw the same wire tied to the back of the truck we hear something fall we looked down to see a gun I went to grab it but Yeon-seok grabbed it and said i'll hold it ok I said then we went back
inside JaeSuk started talking " we need to look for clues everyone split up and look everywhere inside this house" we went our separate ways I went inside his office and looked at his laptop to see its locked luckily I'm a hacker can hack into everything and I unlocked his laptop I then see through his files and see a name of a company and a picture of a woman and a letter HEY JAESUK I found something I said then he and everyone came in look at this I said he looked at it and I read the letter "Dear M I'm happy that we hand fun and your friend C was a bit crazy not telling you that your friend C was crazy but to look for me again here's my address I owned a dance studio ~ Rena who's Rena Jaesuk said look here's a address I copy it in my notebook we have a first clue then I went with Jaesuk, and Ahn JaeWok went pole dancing where Rena owns while Kwang-soo and Yeon-seok went to the Brothers Catering Company while the others look for C's car and the car wash.

Skip where they all meet up
So far we got separated to a wear house filled with activity then we found Mr.M's friend he started talking when we heard a gunshot we looked to see.

Cliffhanger guys I'm sorry for not updating but I'm back and don't forget to follow me on Instagram bye readers

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