[Chapter 2]

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\\overwhelm\\ - (verb) have a strong emotional effect on.


"Aw, come on Lukie~ I have a name! It's Mathias, the king of Scandinavia!" Mathias mused, looking down at the shorter blonde male. Lukie? Was that his name or a nickname? You stayed silent, unsure of how to act in the situation. They seemed to know each other-- and the irritated blonde seemed... well, irritated. From what you hear, Mathias was supposed to meet them. Were you the one who had held him back from meeting his friends? You kind of felt bad, now. His next words confirmed your little suspicions about you being the one to hold him back. "Also, how could I go and meet up with you guys when I stumbled across my long lost princess? A knight such as I just couldn't leave her alone! It's not right, right?? Wait, should I be the king or the knight? I'll be both then!"

"Aha, sorry-" you spoke, smiling apologetically, smiling internally at Mathias' antics. "Mathias, I think you should do what he said and put me down. You might drop me-- oh, not saying that I don't trust you it's just that I can't bring myself to trust you completely, I mean that's okay, right? We only just met and we haven't known each other for long-- oh, but we're already on such friendly terms, wait--! Okay, how about I just say I'm uncomfortable being so tall or something? You really-"

It didn't take you long to realize that you had let yourself slip into your habit yet again. You smiled sheepishly, shortening what you said to a simple 'Mathias, can you let me down?' that he complied with. You turned to the blonde-- who appeared quite unamused. Was that how he always appeared? Or maybe he just had a bad day? You were about to speak once more, stopping yourself when three more-- all blondes-- males walked up to you guys. One seemed just as unamused as 'Lukie' though not as... emotionless? Was that the right word to describe the male-- emotionless? Then, there was a male who practically towered over everyone and seemed quite stoic. Close in pursuit of mister Giant was a shorter male with-- a friendly demeanour if not.. motherly? How interesting; they all seemed to have a bit of character to them. Mathias waved quite energetically to the three newcomers. More people he knew, you presumed.

"Ah, so this is where Mathias went off to," the guy with a white hat-- the one with that motherly demeanour-- spoke. He then turned to you. "Sorry if Mathias here caused you trouble..! He's a good guy but sometimes-"

"Don't worry," you responded to reassure the male. "He was a sweetheart, he didn't cause any trouble for me at all! It was nice to have some company. I'm sorry, though, since I'm the one who seems to have distracted him from meeting up with you guys.."

"Guys, come on! Don't talk like I'm a nuisance," Mathias pouted-- like a puppy who had just been playfully scolded-- as he spoke. He then pulled you over, slinging his arm around your shoulders as if you both had known each other for ages and were extremely tight, which wasn't really the case. However, you didn't really mind the physical contact. With overly affectionate parents such as yours, it was hard to not get accustomed to physical contact. Mathias did the introducing for you and the others, pointing to the people as he spoke their names. "Anyways, this is (Y/n)!! She's really cool. (Y/n), these are my other friends, getting some reactions from some of them. The party pooper is Lukas, puffin boy over there is Emil, the giant is Berwald, and Tino is the only person that's kind of some fun! Kind of!"

"Um, nice to meet you all!" you spoke. The only one who really said anything back was Tino-- would Berwald's subtle nod of acknowledgment count? You weren't sure. You were a bit miffed by the lack of response, though didn't pay too much attention to it. Maybe they were shy and this was how they expressed it-- save for Tino, though. He seemed to be the kind of person who was more of a sweetheart than Mathias. "So, I gue--"

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