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-Kendalls POV

After we got done watching Netflix we all looked at each other then my phone went off I picked it up and seen 'Madison'

So are you okay?! Lol jk I don't care. But I'm gonna get Jack one way or another.

Hun, you can think you'll get him but he's mine not yours. He isn't your toy! K? Do you wanna get your ass beat again?!

You wanna fight then meet me at the park at 10 tonight but bitch he'll be mine

Bith this time I'll make sure your in a hospital, I'll meet you there.

I got up and went outside and started pacing myself I looked at the time 9:30 so then I seen Jack and Jack walk outside

"I need to get to the park" I snapped

They nodded and all three of us headed to the park it only took five minutes to get there so when we pulled up I got out

Jack got out following behind me and shortly after G followed

"What's going on?" Jack asked

I seen Madison walking up and then that explained everything as she walked up both Jack's backed up then Madison punched me in the jaw thats when I lost it

I punched her in the nose then the jaw then I grabbed her by the back of the head as she punched me again and then she was slung to the ground I kicked her in the stomach

As she got up I went and swung at her and as she got hit right in the cheek she went flying to the ground

Jack came up behind me, G got in front of me "Move, I'm not done" I hissed they didn't move I seen her get up

I managed to get out if Jack's grip and past G and I hit her nose and hit her jaw and kneed her in the stomach and she was down then that's when Jack had to pick me up and G assist Madison up

"What was that for?" I said

"You were to the point of almost killing her! Why were y'all fighting AGAIN?!" Jack said slightly raising his voice

This is were I break "She keeps saying she's gonna take you from me, and then I asked her if she wanted to fight and she said to meet her here at 10.. Plus I don't know how everyone seems to be okay? When I feel like everytime I see her or another girl I shatter, cause I don't think I'm good enough" I teared up

"Baby, you are good enough for me your perfect. I love you" Jack said

"I love you" I said

G got in the car and then looked at me and just smiled and then we went home they both knew that Madison was probably going to the hospital cause of what all just happened

But when we got home Taylor Cater and Shawn we're all sitting on the porch waiting on us

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