In Your Shadows

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When I walk down the road,
During night,
I search for it,
For the light.

Even the stars have disappeared,
Just like you did in the past.
Leaving me alone,
Without a guide,
Searching for you,
Ever since that night.

That fateful moment,
When you died,
Left me alone,
Alone to cry.

Walking down the road,
All alone,
Reliving the pain I have felt before,
The pain of losing you has remained,
But I can't live in the past.

Walking, walking and walking.
Moving forward is all I can do for you.
Living for my friends, my dreams and beliefs.
You, the one who died, will not be here to cry.
All you can do is continue living inside my heart.

This is a goodbye.
Thank you, for guiding me.

All I can do is weep over you not coming back.
Maybe one day, I will find you again.
Even if you won't recognize me,
I'll look after you.
Now you can move on and rest in peace,
my dearest friend.

I can write happy ones too I swear!
This one is old but I hope you like it.

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