My Story: Bullying

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Warning: If you are sensitive to bullying don't read on. It's not anything major but I just wanted to warn you.

In September 2015, I started secondary school. It was great. I had more friends, more people to talk to and I felt really happy. However, with every bit of happiness comes with something bad.

For me, it was a little bit of bullying. It affected me quite a bit when it started.

It was mainly boys. To this day I don't respect them. They try to be friendly but I'm not trying to fall for their tricks. I don't trust boys much anymore. I have two guy friends. One I consider my best friend the other feels like a distant friend.

I'm gonna get into my story now.

I was always different. I wore my skirt at knee length, unlike most girls at my school. They always rolled it up, making a belt of fabric at the top. I refer to them as the populars and they normally have the worst personality.

Girls would always ask me when I will roll up my skirt or why I don't.

Um... Never thank you very much. I like being me.

That didn't bother me much. It was just the boys.

I'm gonna leave out the parts I'm not comfortable to share.

The main insult was about my eyes. I started to wear glasses full time a week before I started going to that school. I was born with a condition that lead to a weaker muscle in my left eye. When I was 2 I had surgery on it. There were two outcomes

1. Come out with sight

2.  Come out blind

As you could probably tell I came out with sight. But my eyes are not 'cured'. One eye will most likely be weaker than the other.

I remember in tutor one of them pulled my hair, which was in a ponytail, and then when I turned to face them one of them commented on my eye by saying:

"Are you looking at me? I can't tell"

I was hurt but I wasn't gonna let them see me cry. I wouldn't let them see that they won.

It's crazy to think this happened a year ago.

The same boy who commented on my eyes a week later wouldn't let anyone he didn't particularly like through our tutor door. He had his back leaned against on side of the doorframe and hid leg across the doorway blocking the path. 

My friends just stood there confused, not knowing what to do. I knew what to do.

I walked through his leg pushing it off the doorframe. With that, he sat down and I sat down with a smile on my face.

The first year at that school where events like this. But they affected me.

Now I don't care about what people say. If I'm comfortable with myself, that's all that matters.

Because I'm practically gay if they call me a faggot or anything like that I wouldn't care.


Why would I listen to the opinion of someone who has no respect for me rather than my supportive friends? It doesn't make sense.

Think about whose opinions matter the most to you. If it's friends or family only listen to their opinions. Don't listen to pointless opinions.

Don't take this as a guide to overcome bullying because every case is different

Thanks for reading

                                                                                         -KookieWookies <3

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