The Razor

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"Okay guys we should head back now" Steve says after everyone was done laughing at Peters singing and dancing.

Everyone nods in agreement and they take the quinjet back to the tower.


After Peter finished his singing and dancing he went into his room with the rest of his pizza.

He then sat down on his bed and tuned on his phone that Tony gave him. He started playing music with his headphones and just laid down on his back.

(Play music that's linked at the top)

As he was listening all he could think about is how much the Avengers must think he's a creep. He knows that he's different and will always be alone.

Then he started thinking about his life and.....Aunt May. 'No nononoonononno...... Aunt May is gone, which makes me alone' Peter keeps thinking over and over again. 'She can't be gone.....she deserved to live' 'I should have died...not her'. "Why do I always end up killing everyone I f*cking love!" "F*ck me!" Peter screams into his pillow.

"I'm a creep and a weirdo and don't deserve to live" Peter screams then gets up from his bed taking out his earphones.

(Stop music here)

He starts to head to his bathroom that connected to his room. Then he opens the bathroom door and locks it.


"Okay were almost here everyone" Clint says to the rest of the team as he's starting to descend the quinjet.

"Ok" Everyone says then starts to get there things.

"Sir, Peter has locked himself in the bathroom and seems to be in distress" Jarvis says to Tony and all the Avengers.

"WHAT?! Jarvis tell me what's going on now?! Is he ok!?" Tony shouts and starts to panic.

All the Avengers were also panicking but really confused as to why Peter was in distress.

Then Clint landed the Quinjet and everyone rushed out of the door like animals.


Peter opens one of the drawers and pulls out a shaving razor. He takes the small but sharp piece and sits in the bathroom tub.

Slowly he takes the razor and slides it across his wrists and down his arm. It started to gush out blood even his healing wasn't helping because he was pressing down on his skin really hard. After about 5 minutes of doing it over and over again on both hands the tub was filled with blood and Peter was covered in it.

He started to get dizzy but didn't really care. He kept thinking, 'You deserve to die...she didn't' 'Do you feel that pain? Well that's not as bad as what she felt'. He kept thinking about Aunt May....she didn't deserve to die....but he did.

"I'm sorry Tony" Peter says and then starts to cut even harder on his wrists but then suddenly your could hear a loud knock on the door.

"Peter?! Are you ok?!" Tony said with the other Avengers behind him painting from all the running they did to get here.

Peter didn't answer and just kept sliding the razor down his wrists and arms.

"Peter?" Steve says but gets no answer like Tony. "I'm gonna kick down the door so stay back" Steve says but Peter doesn't even hear him from the dizziness and all the blood making him lightheaded.

Steve kicks down the door and everyone rushes into the bathroom.

"Oh my god" Tony says and takes the blade away from Peter. "What the hell Peter?!" Tony screams but then is pushed away by Bruce.

"Everyone back up for a second" Bruce says and examines Peters arms and wrists.

"Okay Steve get me a towel" Bruce says to the super solider.

"And Tony....give me this" Bruce says and snatches Tony's alcoholic beverage from his hands that he some how gained. 

"Hey!"Tony shouts but doesn't do anything but cross his arms.

Bruce then pours Tony's alcoholic beverage onto Peter's bloody arms and wrists making Peter wince in pain. "Sorry but it has to be done...the alcohol will help the cuts heal" Bruce says and puts down the beverage after taking a swig of it himself knowing that he will need it.

Bruce then lifts Peter off the bathtub ground making Peter wince again. "Steve hold Peter up and Bring him to my lab but remember to hold this to his cuts" Bruce says and motions to the towel for Steve to put on Peters cuts. 

"Okay got it" Steve says and grabs Peter bridal style and puts pressure on his cuts with the towel. They all head to Bruce's lab by speed walking down the towers halls. Then when they finally make it Steve puts Peter down on the lab table and Bruce starts to patch Peter up.

Bruce wraps Peter's cuts after cleaning them and then the room gets silent. Everyone stares at Peter with concerned faces. 'This is not going to go well' Peter thinks to himself as the silence gets interrupted by his thoughts.

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