Moving into 221b Baker Street

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hello welcome to my NEW story


Today was the day Gavin and I were moving down in our new flat in London.  Down in 221b Baker Street.  Quite a nice llittle place, much nicer than our old place up in Scotland.  We were living in the upstairs flat which mean we get a lovely balcany with a great few of London.  We were assigned these new living arrangements as it's much easier for us to be living down where we work.  For what our job is, well that is a secret at this moment.  For just now we will just start of our story with our first day. 


'Gavin have you unloaded the last box?'  I shouted at Gavin as he stepped up the stairs.

'Yes, yes.  Now time to unpack.' He sighed while dropping a few of my boxes at my feet.

I groaned , 'This takes ages though, can we not just watch a bit of telly?'

'No we need to do this now, we gotta get prepared for our job next week.'

I agreed, and I carried the heavy boxes along the hall and into my room.  

My room is quite a big room, a bit plain at the moment but soon I'll have it nicely decorated and maybe put a few paintings up if the nice landlady agrees to let me hammer a few nails in her walls. The last landlord in Scotland was strict and we weren't even able to buy any new furnature or anything which was annoying.

I opened up the box and lifted out my items.  I put my simple clothes in the small drawers near the window and my more fancy clothes hanging up inside the wardrobe.  I had a few pictures inside frames which I just placed on my bedside table.  A few pictures of me with my family and my old friends.  It's too dangerous for me to make any contact with my family or friends on this job so I like to keep these pictures beside my bed to remind me of them and I hope they don't miss me too much.  At least I've got Gavin and it's great we got on well, imagine if we didn't I'd have to be living with someone I hated and working with them!  

I unpack a few more bits of clothing which have been hiding at the bottom of the box and head on through to the living room.  I notice Gavin lounging down on the sofa watching some stupid reality TV show.

'You finished quick then didn't you, thought you had like 4 boxes?' I say to him as I sit down on the couch joining him.

'Oh I am a fast unpacker.' he laughed

Which probably means 'I shoved everything in my drawers as I could not be bothered.'

'Change this channel this is the stupidest show ever.' 

'Oh come on it's hilarious.' 

I gave him a glance.

'..Sometimes.' He muttered at me.

I shake my head.

'So when are we gonna plan next weeks job.'  I ask, getting off the topic of TV.

'I don't know, I'm never good at planning these things.  You're better at doing the thinking and I'm better at well, doing the job.'  He laughs.  

Although he does have a point, he's not exactly good at planning.

'Well I'm off to bed, but we gotta plan tomorrow this is such an important job and we cannot afford to make any mistakes.  This is a big pay.  For both of us.'  I say seriously.  

I head down into my room for my first night in our brand new flat.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2012 ⏰

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