Week Three: Game Over

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"You need to stop, you're acting crazy!" I screamed at my sister.

"You need to stop, you're acting crazy." She repeated, an eerie smile stretching a crossed her face. She got on all fours and started to crawl towards me. I etched backwards, trying to process what her plan was. "Oh child, you don't get it, don't you?" She taunted.

"Child? You're younger than me! Stop it!" I screamed, etching backwards more as my sister started to pick up her pace. My hands started to sweat as I stared into her eyes. The floorboards creaked under my weight. We hadn't lived here that long, and as soon as we got here, she started to act strange.

"Stop it! Stop it! You think that's going to do anything?" She cackles and crawls closer, bringing her back legs up further. She then slowly starts to contort her body to where she is in a back bend position. I gasp and fall backwards onto the ground. I start to scoot faster. I was filled with fear and anger at her behavior.

"Stop! You aren't acting like yourself! Please stop." I back up into a corner and draw my knees to my chest. I start to cry and beg some more. I couldn't process what she was saying or what was going on, all I knew was that this wasn't my sister.

"Beg some more, it's like music to my ears." She opens her mouth, revealing her pointed teeth and her long split tongue that resembled one of a snake. She hissed at me, and then smiled ever so eerily. I shrieked at the sight of her. "Shh child shh... Don't cry." She took her long nails and drug them a crossed my cheek ever so slightly.

"Get off of me!" I pushed her away, got up, and made a run for it. I got all the way upstairs and locked myself into my parents bedroom. I then ran into their bathroom and locked that door too. They had a closet connected to their bedroom, so I ran into in, locked it, and went to bury myself in clothes. There wasn't any way she could possibly get in. I pressed my ear to the wall to hear her mutters of anger.

"That little mutt, thinking she can outrun me. She wants to play a game? Okay, we'll play a came." She cackles loudly and I could hear her footsteps crawling up the stairs. "Wanna play a game little girl? Okay, here's the rules, you hide, and I'll find you. If I win, I get to kill you. If I lose, I still will kill you. Sound fun? I think so." She laughs loudly, and starts looking for me. I gasped and held back my tears, why did she want to kill me? Who was this? This wasn't my sister. I roll up into a ball and wait for her to come.

"One....Two....Three... Are you in here?" I hear a door creak open, "Of course not, such a clever little girl. I can't wait for my prize at the end." She states loudly. I wished silently that my parents were home right now. I felt so petrified that my body was shaking violently. I felt nauseous, like I was going to throw up. Come out come out wherever you are!!" She giggled. I could hear her footsteps growing louder...




She giggles...

And then everything goes silent, expect for the sound of my heart pounding.




All of a sudden she starts to bang on the door. She thrashed and kicked at it. "You little brat, you better open this door right now! This is cheating! You little mutt, no wonder everyone hates you!"I could hear her hissing and pounding on the door. I looked around and remembered that I had my phone in my pocket. I grabbed it and started to fiddle with it. My hands shook as I unlocked it. I dialed my mom's number and she picked up.

"Amber, didn't I tell you not to call me while I was at work?" She scorned. I breathed heavily as the pounding increased. "Amber, hun, what's that noise?" Her voice was concerned.

"She's going to kill me mom! Help me, please!" I whispered into the phone as my sister's thrashing continued. Everything went quiet for a minute and I then heard a gun shot.

"Amber?! Baby, what's going on! I'm coming home right now Stay safe! Who's going to kill you? Nevermind, just get out of there. Stay safe baby. Please, I'll get help. I'm coming." Her voice sounded panicked as she hung up. I heard the silence after the gun shot, and then I heard a door slowly creak open.

"Shit..." I remembered that Dad kept a gun in his safe, she must've shot the lock on the door. My hearted thudded loudly in my head. I felt overwhelmed and frightened al at once. I dialed 911 quickly, knowing I wouldn't have much time left.

"Hello ma'am, this is Judie, how can I help you?" Another gun shot rang out, and she responded quicker. "Ma'am was that a gun shot?" The door to the bathroom creaked open.

"Please send a car to 6709 Signamore Drive. I don't have that much time, she's going to kill me. Please just bring help." I muttered into the phone. I could hear the tip of the gun being dragged a crossed the countertops. I shook violently in my spot.

"Who's going to kill you?" She asked quickly.

"My sister. Please just send help, I have to go, she's coming." I hung up before she could respond. I looked around for a weapon of some sort. I then spotted a cash box on one of the shelves. I ran to it and picked it up. If I could get a good hit, I could probably knock her out, or at least stun her enough to make an escape.

"Oh Amber," She rolled my name off of her tongue and chuckled. "I think I found you little girl, and I can't wait to kill you." I heard her cock the gun, and I tiptoed over to the side of the door. I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself. "I can hear you breathing, she hissed into the door. "Five...Four...Three...Two...One..."

She blasted a hole in the door, and I stood shocked as my ears shrieked for relief from the loud sound. I tried to concentrate on her, but the pain left me stunned. I saw her claws grip around the door frame, and clawing at the wood. I took my stance, and waited as she creaked the door open. I saw her head pop in, and I swung the cash box down onto her. She shrieked as she fell to the ground, the gun skidding to the other end of the closet. I ran to grab it, but she grabbed my foot, pulling my down to the ground.

I kicked her hard in the face while I grabbed the gun. She cursed at me loudly as I picked up the gun. I sprinted out the door and down the stairs. I pushed open the front door as her contorted body kept crawling towards me again. This time I could see the blood that was smeared all over her clothing. I stopped in the driveway as she slowly got up to a standing position. As she was doing this, you could hear her back cracking in many different places.

"Please don't do this... I'm only a little girl... Sissy?" Her voice returned to normal, but the same eerie demeanor was there. I shook in my spot.

"You leave me no choice!" I yelled at her.

"You do have a choice sissy, please don't hurt me." She whimpered. I was confused, but I didn't believe her little act.

"No." I stated, raising the gun so it was aimed at her chest.

"You little brat, you will pay for this!" The voice returned as she hissed, and threw herself at me.

"Game over." I pulled the trigger and she fell to the ground, motionless. I dropped the gun, and my body fell to the ground. I closed my eyes, as I felt my sanity slip away. Soon, everything became dark.


Well.. That was a twist.. Haha, hope you all enjoyed it, and sorry it took me so long to get this posted. I had a lot of my relatives come over, and I had my cousins spending the night the whole weekend, so this was the soonest I actually had free time to do anything! Hope you understand. Please remember to Vote|Comment|Follow|! Love you all, and I heavily appreciate all of your support in my writing. Chapter Four of The Humanity Experiment will be out today! Make sure to check it out! Love you all.

Happy Reading,

Kylie :)

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