Ch 1. Return

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The quiet toll of a metal bell..

Droned endlessly as though it were pleading for something- anything. However, nothing would answer the damned bell- not here.. definitely not here.

Buildings towered to the clouds by my sides, casting monstrous shadows. No light had guided me ever since I had awoken here again.. in the same place as last time; just.. in the middle of the street, dropped off as though I were a cadaver.. but dropped off by what?

Before I can truly give it any thought, I hear it again- those ominous, heavy footfalls- no... not so much as steps, more so the dragging of feet along the paved road. They were quite aways behind me, but that hardly mattered.. just like all of my previous dreams; it sounded far.. but it moved fast..

Sure enough, the steps drew closer and the beat of my heart thumped violently, I could hear it looping forever and ever in my ears like some twisted, mundane orchestra. Yet for whatever god forsaken reason, I couldn't move.. or I didn't want to.. every time, I ran from this- this thing.. but this time I want to see it, every time I run.. but I've never seen it..

Besides... this is a dream- right? Nothing bad could happen to me, as I forced my breathing to slow, my heart rate calmed in accordance. I turned around as beads of sweat began rolling from my brow, but I kept my gaze steady. The footsteps were mere yards away, this realization made my eyes snap shut out of impulse.




It was the thing's beak.. or, what I thought was a beak. It freaked open before snapping shut in an almost malicious manner. It would flap its maw open and close over and over again in sporadic, almost chaotic intervals. I had never gotten the best look of it before.. all I knew is, it was gigantic.. a foot or two taller than me.. and its eyes.

God its eyes... tiny dulled pearls with sightless black dots in their centers, the pupils would dart in virtually every direction as thought it were a terrified animal, but no... it wasn't terrified at all, it was hungry. The drips of saliva smacking against the pavement told me this for sure.

I took a deep breath as I slowly forced my eyes open, and there it was.. the massive silhouette of that.. bird? Could it even be called that?

The being didn't move.. it to as rooted in front of me.. and for a split moment, I could feel it staring into me, sizing me up.. it was almost time..




My timing was almost spot on as a lightning bolt struck down as it always had, and for the moment of illumination- I saw all I needed. The being- it was a bird, a hulking yellow bird with bony legs, tiny flightless wings, an elongated neck, and a terrible beak.. it was covered in cracks, tufts of fur, and several feathers. Its maw was agape, giving an insight of its lips.. they were lined with jagged, rotting teeth, and a long purple tongue.

Then... everything went in slow motion as it suddenly took me down by swinging its massive head into my chest, knocking me into my back, gasping for breath and clawing to the skies for leverage.

The bird stood over me, its horribly thin tongue glided around its teeth hungrily, its beaked seemed to curve into a masochistic grin as it suddenly shot down at my body. I tried to scream, but my throat was already getting dried and choked up by my blood as the bird began tearing into my guy- my vision was getting hazing and dark as I laid my head back.. then the street was illuminated once again as another bolt struck, and all I saw... was a green street sign above me, and despite my deliriousness.. I was able to make out the words on it..

'Sesame Street...'

I jerk awake, my breathing cane out in shallow choked gasps, my chest ached heavily as my body convulsed as though I were a horrified child. My entire body and my sheets are covered in thick layers of sweat. My phone suddenly ringed, making me jump out of my skin. After a moment of gathering myself, I shakily reached over to my bedside table, picking up my phone. I brought it to my face and saw the name


I took a deep breath and accepted the call as I brought my phone to my ear. On the other end, Michael's voice boomed in his usual optimistic manner
"Hey man!.. can you come into work today..?" I rubbed my face tiredly, still recovering from the fucked up fever dream I've been having for the past week, I replied through dry lips "Uh... I don't know, I'll Uh.. I'm not feeling a 100%... but I'll be down there in about half an hour- give or take.." As though he wasn't completely satisfied, Michael added in a tone that wanted to be bossy, but at the same time refused to be pushy "Well cool... we actually found one..!" I felt my heart nearly stop as I sputtered and jumped to my feet "woah- really?" Michael chuckled on the other end, he knew he no longer needed to persuade me "alright- we'll see you in a half an hour man." He hung up, leaving me in a daze, I wasn't completely sure how to feel, but
.. 'I suppose we were bound to find at least one of them eventually.' I told myself as I had quickly went over to my bathroom to get ready for the journey that lay ahead..

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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