Day-Off - Mark & Jaemin

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Angrily stepping through the whole dorm, Jaemin grabbed Mark's wrist and made him stumble behind the young man confused.
Jaemin was furious and disappointed, yet, the sadness was covered by his angry and hot-tempered head.

While Mark slammed the door shut behind him, he tried to make the younger one walk slower. Arriving near the elevator, Mark sighed and suddenly stopped walking, causing Jaemin to do so too.
"Calm down, Nana! My wrist hurts!", Mark said and looked at his friend confused.

Jaemin sighed, let go of the wrist and answered: "I'm's just - I needed to get out of there."
Frowning, Mark pulled the button for the elevator. All he did was taking a shower and the only thing he noticed was the constant vibrating of his phone, telling him about the messages he's missing.

Obviously, something happened but he honestly didn't had any idea what or why. Jaemin was upset and that was the only thing that mattered now. Mark already noticed that Jaemin seemed to have a lot on his mind lately, he always zoned out during group-meetings and whenever everyone had fun, Nana seemed to deeply think of something.

Being the respectful hyung Mark tried to be, he waited for Jaemin to ask him for help - the younger one seemed like a very responsible, young man and even though his hot-tempered head and the stubborness possessed his will, he would seek help if he really needed it.

And obviously, Mark's patience was the best thing he could've done: Jaemin asked him to go out with him on Saturday - today - to talk about something.

He tried to think of what captured Jaemin's head like it did the past few weeks but since Nana was a very easy-going and uncomplicated person, Mark had no idea what some happy-sunshine like him would have to deal with.
He was good at hiding his inner thoughts and emotions and when he talked about them, Mark definetly wasn't the person Jaemin would normally go to.

But he did it this time, which concerned Mark even more.

The ariving elevator made Mark stop thinking and enter it with Jaemin right beside him. They kept quit and an awkward silence captured the air while they travelled downstairs.

"You wanna talk about what happened today?", Mark asked, making Jaemin slightly jump in surprise.
He slowly nodded and watched the numbers on the display, showing them which floor they passed through now.

"I don't know, to be honest...everyone annoys me or just simply seems to like making me feel like a dumb child. It seems like everyone wants to get on my nerves for god's sake and I just can't handle any of this now..."

Mark looked at Jaemin's profile, studying his every moves. "You know, everyone loves you just like you're their brother. They are all idiots in their own way but - they're also family to me. And I am pretty sure, you're thinking the same 'bout them..."

Jaemin nodded, but he didn't answer anything.
The elevator arrived and the two young man stepped out of their appartement-house, slowly walking through the streets. Mark tried to think of what trully bothered Jaemin but he really didn't have any idea. He couldn't imagine Nana being stressed out by some mocking of his fellow NCT-members - he knew them for a long time now and it always was like that.

So what was it, that made Jaemin's patience disappear all of a sudden like it did a few minutes ago?
They walked through some streets and enjoyed the late spring weather.
When they reached Han-river, Jaemin suddenly spoke up:
"You know...lately, I get this strange feelings...and I don't know how to handle them..."

"Strange feelings...?", Mark said and raised and eyebrow confused.
"Yeah..." Jaemin looked up at the cloudy sky and seemed to enjoy the cold breeze for a few seconds, before he started talking again. "Whenever...a certain someone talks with someone else. Or when I realize, this certain person got close to someone while I was gone...I kind of feel this burning all through my body..."

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