Chapter 6

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     I woke up to a small girl.  About 4 centimeters tall walking around looking for breadcrumbs. She had these small glowing wings.  She had a small white dress and blind hair.  I was shocked.  Was this a dream? I slapped my self.  Ya this is not a dream. The small girl heard it.  She looked at me and flew away.
"No don't leave I won't hurt you" I said in a soft voice.
"But I'm a fairy" she said
"What's your name?" I asked
"My name is Mystic" she said
"Mystic are you ok?"
"No my parents died when the bombs went of we used to live inside a giant mushroom in a garden of a house.  I have no where to go now so I lived here only coming out at night for food"
"Here come with me"
I gave her some sugar and crackers. I am surprised Liam has not woke up yet.
"Thank you so much" Mystic said
"Hey Mystic do you like have any powers?"
"Ya why?"
"See I am The Keeper and I need your help to save the land"
I heard Liam wake up.  He looked out into the hall way.
"Wh-who is she" Liam said
He grabbed a pan I tried to hit her.  I grabbed Mystic and held her in my hands against my chest.
"Its ok her name is Mystic she is my friend" I said
"Oh I am sorry" Liam said he slowly put the pan down
"Hi I am Mystic" Mystic said. 
Jewel came over and picked Mystics foot.  Jewel was being friendly with Mystic I could tell they where going to be good friends.
"Oh that tickles" she said
A little while later talking to Mystic.  Mystic started to ride Jewel around the house. It was very cute. They where good friend and that made me happy.  Liam grabbed a flower.  The flower was pink and purple.  He put the flower in my hair.
"There it looks so beautiful, but your still more beautiful" Liam said
I curled up into his arms.
"He Layla do you want to..." Liam said before BANG! We saw another building coming crashing down.  We all looked up in fear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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