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I was nOmInAtEd by the lovely and kind and SWEET -infinitea

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I was nOmInAtEd by the lovely and kind and SWEET -infinitea

I already did this but


1) I have a draft written that was never posted of a thank you to my friend who helped me with a panic attack although she can't even read it

2) I'm a very big people pleaser and talk to a lot of people at school

3) I got a 32 when the normal is 9 on a depression test w o w

4) I've listened to "Stupid with love" so many times I feel bad about never getting crushes, in my entire life I only had 2 crushes that I both got over

5) I only have one friend who i'll talk to about my problems, in which I rarely do

6) I need to lose weight, i have a love hate relationship with my body, one day i'll think i look good, another i'll hate it. I actually think I look fine right now. I pride myself on weighing 63 pounds in 5th grade

7) I'm weirdly a well rounded person, I like to draw, i like music, i like theatre, I like to read, i like to play certain sports, and i like/love my friends :)))

8) When i wear something I normally wouldn't I get a weird feeling inside that makes me uncomfortable but i still wear the outfit anyway

9) I love disney, i've been to disney world 8?? times

10) My school average so far is 96-97

11) Bonus: My cousin just ran down the stairs yelling "IM FREAKING DRUNK"
he's 7

uHmMm jOkEs agH

i can give you puns

My ability to think of a joke is the opposite of clawsome

Spoiler: R i c h J a k e

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