Chapter 5 - Admittable Changes

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Original story by sterekgayships

Damon PoV

Its been three days since the meeting with the Mikaelsons and Stefan has been acting odd. He's not his usual self.

He has been trying to avoid me the best he can and is really moody. It's so strange.

Did seeing Klaus pinning me up against the wall really bother him that much?

What am I talking about, of course, it did. why wouldn't it, why aren't I mad at that asshole for getting into my head? It's not like I actually liked him, he compelled me, that's all it was, compulsion.

I need to stop moping around, I need to go apologize to Stefan and tell him that what happened with Klaus was an involuntary mistake.

With the new 'kick in my step' so to say I left my room and headed downstairs to find the overly-large living space to be empty, as well as the rest of the house.

As if on time the door swung open to reveal the one person I was hoping I didn't have to see again, Klaus.

"what do you want" I scowled at the two-faced bastard. "oh come on now, that's no way to talk to me now is it love?" he chirped walking towards the table where I kept a bottle of bourbon, pouring us both a glass.

Handing me mine, he sits on the sofa "so what's crawled up your ass and died today for you to be so moody?"
I walked over and sat next to him, sighing I yielded, if no one else is going to talk to me I may as well talk to this git.

"Stefan's ignoring me since he walked in on you kissing me" I glare at him
"whoops" was all I got from the asshole that broke into my house only moments ago.

Hours went by and Klaus was actually not the worse company in the world, but Stefan still wasn't back yet and something seemed off.

"you don't know where Stefan is, do you? I asked him thinking he was being too nice.

His phone started ringing, ignoring my question he answered it hearing Elijah talk about Rebekah getting into trouble again and how he needs to go home instantly.

"well it's been nice Raven but I must be off, and no I haven't seen Stefan " he does a salute and walks out the front door.

I headed up to my bedroom staying up most of the night wait for Stefan to come home.

About 10 hours after Klaus left Stefan finally came home, again with unwanted house guests.

I basically sprint downstairs to the sound of the door opening, immediately tackling Stefan with a bear hug, not acknowledging the brunette standing in the doorway.

462 words so a lot shorter than than the others so I'll try making the next chapter good, hopefully idk XD

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