Love Me Back (Sequel to WSDFL)

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I smiled as Chris rubbed my five month pregnant stomach. We were just sitting on the bed, with me in between his legs.

"I can't wait to see my baby girl." he said and kissed my ear.

He lifted my left hand, which had a huge diamond wedding ring on it, and placed it on my belly too.

"What are we gonna name her?" he asked.

"Carea.. Like Korea but with C A instead of K O."

"I like that.. you know what I heard?" He asked.


"Sex is good for the baby." he said kissing my neck.

"You are crazy." I laughed.

"Cree wake up." he said.

"I am up. What do you mean?"

"Wake up!" he said louder, shaking me.

My eyes fluttered open to see Camerin standing over me. Great, it was just a dream.

"Go get ready. We gotta go to your doctors appointment." he said helping me up from the couch.

I did my hygiene, and put on a sweatshirt, jeans and converse. So far I've been hiding this pregnancy well. Only people who know are: my mom, Camerin, May, Marissa, Chyna, Nicki, and Rihanna.

"I'm ready." I said wobbling down the stairs.

Cam led me to his car and drove to the doctors office.

"You're really gonna need a car with a backseat." I told Cam.

"I know. I know." he said helping me out the car and walking me in.


"Hello Ms. Harris." My doctor, Dr. Ingram, greeted.

"Hi." I said as she put on her gloves and ran the cold jelly over my stomach.

"Well Cree," She said as she moved the wand. "It appears you're having a baby boy." I smiled and so did Camerin.


"Cree you ready?" Cam asked. He threw a 'surprise' party for me, but I knew because I overheard him talking to the planner.

"Almost. Damn! Give me a minute." I shooed him off.

I put on a black sweatshirt, black leggings, black timbs, and a 10 Deep jersey on so you couldn't see my stomach.

"Ready." I sighed and we left.

We pulled up to this venue and went in.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They yelled when I walked in.

Cam some how managed to get Chyna, Heather, Trell, and Michael here.

"Hey baby!" Chyna said running to me and giving me a hug. "And how's little baby." she said looking down at my stomach.

"HE is fine." I said and she squaled. "You didn't tell Mike did you?" I asked.

"Nope, and I'd say you're hiding it pretty well." she smirked.

"My little nigga." Michael said walking up and hugging me. "Why you wearin that big ass jersey?" he asked.

"Cause I was cold. Hush." I laughed.

"Why you glowing big head?" he asked.

"Nigga I'm just happy okay?"

"Mmhhmm.. well have fun, and one more thing." he said leaning down to whisper in my ear. "Chris misses you."

I froze at the sound of his name. It's been almost six months and chris hasn't once reached out to me. When I was about to ask Michael something, him and Chyna had already walked away.

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