Chapter one

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I woke up. Emptiness filled my brain as I listened to the birds outside the old and broken house. I got up on my feet and wiped the hay off of my pants. I got on my usual outfit: A maroon tank top with overalls that go on top of it. Then I put my hair up into two messy pigtails.

    I walked out of my room quickly and saw my whole family sitting on seperate haystacks.  They were sitting in what we called the 'living room' although it didn't look like one.

    "Oh hello Lilly! Good morning! It is your turn to make breakfast." My mother said. I walked out to the garage and giggled. They loved it when I cooked—since I was by far the best out of my family—I always knew the right temperature to cook the food at. And only once had I burned the food. My family reassured me, though, and told me that it still tasted good.

    I grabbed the handmade spear that my father made and grabbed a rock I found on the ground and sharpened the metal blade. I didn't usually cook fish or anything animal related for breakfast. But it was helpful to have the spear just in case danger came my way. I also brought a navy blue tarp and some long sticks. I didn't know why, I just did.

    I walked into the forest, cutting down any branches that were in my way. Eventually, I got to a raspberry bush. I stealthily cut the ripe raspberries off of the bush, and left the others to grow. Then, I quickly weaved a basket and set them inside.

    I hurriedly stocked low in the bushes, realizing that I would need a sort of meat after all. Preferably a pig, but anything would work at this point.

    I had waited for an hour. Silence filled my ears. I could hear the birds chirp in the distance, I also heard the snap of a twig. I got ready to fight whatever it was. My lips curled upwards into a smile. I looked out at what I was aiming for. There was a small rabbit with a tag on its ear. I grabbed my spear and crept behind a bush. The bunny slowly inched closer, and as soon as it got within arms length on me, I impaled it. I smiled wider. I took the dead animal and put it with the berries.

    There was a strong feeling of guilt buried deep inside me, for killing such a cute little creature. But I pushed that guilt aside and started to walk home.

    As I did so, I started to feel rain drops pour down onto my skin. It was only a little sprinkling, so I figured it would be fine. But then that rain turned into a thunderstorm. My hair became soaking wet, same with my clothes. I decided that I'd find somewhere to wait until the storm passed. I quickly found a tree that was covering most of the rain from going under it. I thought about the tarp I grabbed with the stick. I grabbed them out of a small pouch I kept. I quickly stuck the sticks into the ground, then stuck the tarp between all of them, making myself some more shelter. I set the basket in there, and then crawled into it myself.

    The rain Pitter-pattered on the tarp. It was a soothing sound. I grabbed a raspberry out of the basket and took a bite of it. My stomach was growling and it had been over three hours since I had been at home. I didn't doubt that my parents were worried. They always started to break a sweat when someone was gone for longer than two hours. Especially when it starts to pour rain drops out of the sky.

    A small spider crawled on my arm and sat there for a couple of seconds, clearly wanting shelter as well. I stuck my finger out to it. It crawled up onto it and I set it down in the non-wet dirt beside me. It stayed there for about twenty minutes before scurrying away to who knows where?

    I let out a big sigh. I had been sitting for way too long. I needed to stand. So I got out of the little invention I made and looked around. Rain dripped onto my face. I closed my eyes and embraced the water. It felt nice. I turned over to look in the direction my house was. I heard screaming.

    "Lilly!" It went. I recognized that voice as my mothers. I grinned, picked up my basket and tarp, and ran over to where my mother's voice was coming from.

    The house came into view. I smiled wider as I thought of our house. It wasn't much, but it was shelter. And it had beds, a stove. Who could ask for more? I looked around first, to make sure no one was watching or following me.

    That was when I saw it. A group of police officers. They had just kicked the door to our house open. Loud bangs invaded my ears as I found a tree to hide behind. And from that day on, my life was different.

A/N this is just the start of a story. Give it a chance.

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