1. Following Pokémon

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     I didn't know where I was going,  I just wanted to run free for a while.  I took in the scenery before me and decided to let my Pokémon enjoy it as well.  I fished out their Pokéballs from my black messenger bag littered with band pins and released them.

     Feraligatr,  Aerodactyl,  and Onix was my team.  I planned on adding new members later but for now,  those three were perfect.  Onix seemed to be surprised that he was out of his Luxury Ball since he wasn't allowed to be out whenever I was at the band's house—he could easily crush them all.

     Their eyes gleamed as they glanced around,  they were all enjoying this time.  I smiled slightly,  I liked when my Pokémon were having fun.  A patch of tall grass moved harshly like a Poochyena's tail.  My team set their gaze on the grass,  only Aerodactyl was afraid,  and readied their strongest attacks.

     A Pokémon leaped out of the grass.  It was a little Stufful,  I heard they were tricky little things.  The Stufful moved so quick at me,  it swiped my bag away from me and sped away faster than a race car.

     I regained my posture, "HEY!"  The Stufful kept running full speed.  I told Aerodactyl, "Use Agility and then snatch Stufful up!"  Aerodactyl used Agility and rocketed towards Stufful,  who was now watching Aerodactyl with tears forming in its eyes.

     Aerodactyl slowed only a bit just to grab the Stufful in its awaiting claws and flew back to me.  He dropped my bag in front of me and pinned Stufful to the grass.  He opened his large mouth scattered with sharp teeth and was ready to eat the Pokémon.

     I gasped, "Aerodactyl!  Don't do it!"  He didn't listen and his jaw clasped on the Stufful,  so I immediately returned him into the Pokéball so he wouldn't do any more harm.  The Stufful was already halfway to death's door,  swaying and struggling to stand up.

     I slipped out a Super Potion and sprayed it over the wounds.  The marks dissipated over a few seconds and the Stufful was all better.  I decided to apologize, "Look,  I'm sorry about him.  He doesn't listen to me at some times but he's really a good Pokémon."

     The Stufful turned around and fled into the trees.  "How rude," I muttered under my breath.  I knew better than to release Aerodactyl again,  he needed time to get over his anger.  Onix kneeled down to seemingly ask me something.  I asked, "You're hungry?"  Onix nodded his great head.

     Onix's favorite berry was Tomato berries,  he could eat them all day!  I pulled out a container that contained Tomato berries specifically for Onix.  The container was almost empty.  I dumped the rest of the berries into Onix's mouth and started searching for more Tomato berries.

     I heard a noise behind and turned around.  There were two shadows there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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