chapter 3

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Brielle's POV

I opened my eyes, rubbing my head. I wasn't nearly as damaged as I thought I was. I just had a bit marks on me. "O-Oh.. Good~" I sighed in relief. I stood up, brushing some dirt marks off my sweater. "Now what?" I said, the slug was already going the opposite direction of me, making me tempted to follow her. "Over here, hun." She waved with her goopy, small, not very noticeable arm. I sighed, following Petal through my backyard until we hit a dead end. "Ay, get me on your shoulder darlin'!" Petal attempted to shout from under the grass. I picked her up, letting her slither up to my shoulder before we continued searching for whatever Petal wanted. She pointed at the large hole in my backyard fence. "There it is, we got to go there!" Petal jumped up and down. "Can I ask.. why?" I muttered, remembering how I ran into the fence so hard when I was four that it split and there was a huge hole left in the middle of it. "That's where I came from, hun." She whispered in my ear. "I don't want anymore slugs in my sock drawer, sorry." I said, thinking about it just made me want to wash my socks even more, which I never will because I'm just too lazy to. "Trust me, darlin' you did it once. You can do it again." Petal whined. "Whatever, but I'm not bringing back any of your little booger friends." I replied, regretting my life decisions. I attempted to fit through the hole, and sadly I banged my head against the wooden fence and tumbled out onto the other side. A few minutes later, I found myself in some kind of.. magical place? There was a lot of waterfalls and trees and it was just beautiful. "Where.. are we?! I know for a fact there isn't a rain forest outside of my backyard!" I gasped, looking at all the beautifully placed plants and trees. "One thing though, Bri." Petal said, turning to me. I almost stepped on her because she was so small I didn't even notice she was there. I answered with a slightly confused head tilt. "You must NEVER, and I mean NEVER walk off the path." She clearly showed me the path we were already walking on, telling me not to go farther than it. "There's some mean ol' hedgehogs and birds that could eat me if you turn your back for just a second." Petal sighed. "It ate all my friends.." Tears of goop formed in her eyes, seeing a booger cry, didn't make me want to cry as well. She's somewhat special to me though, I can't leave her upset but the thing is, how do I reply to someone telling me another animal ate their friends...? "O-Oh.. Uh.. You have me!" I pointed at myself again, grinning in a friendly way. Petal looked up at me, smiling. "I guess.. Anyway, let's go do something that will take my mind off of this silly talk." She replied. We continued walking along the bath. She nibbled on whatever she liked on the dirt and I broke off some blueberries and raspberries off the bushes near us to eat in the mean time. "So, where are we going?" I said, with a mouthful of berries I collected. "First, chew your food before you choke. Then I'll answer your question hun." She replied, laughing. I quickly swallowed what ever was in my mouth, waiting for the answer. She slightly gasped. "Uh.. Good enough. Anyway, we're going to my house!" She smiled with delight. "Your too small to live in a normal house.. so what do you live in exactly?" I said, curiously. "In a mushroom that popped right out of the floor! They don't smell good, or at least mine doesn't. I still love it though!" She wiggles along the path, looking left and right repeatedly to see if there was her house anywhere nearby us. "So, I have to play Barbies and have a miniature doll teacup in your mushroom house?" I shivered at the though of dolls. Whenever I brushed their hair, it always got tangled in my favourite hair brush and it made me upset. "No, no. You'll just need to wait a second once we get there. I store some 'Shrinky Twinky' bottles in my house." She replied, continuing to search for her house through the tall grass. I hesitated to say anything else. I clearly didn't know what a bottle of 'Shrinky Twinky' was, and I really don't wanna know. It might make the house grow, or most likely shrink me. After a couple of minutes, we finally reached Petal's lovely establishment. She slithered inside, grabbing a bottle of her Twinky, Shrinky, or winky stuff. She held it out for me to drink so I crouched down, attempting to drink it without swallowing the bottle itself. It made my head hurt a bit, but then I blinked a couple of times and saw a gigantic blob in front of me. I quickly realized it as Petal but she was a lot bigger than I was, which I found unpleasant. We went inside, the room was filled with alchemy equipment and flowers. "It's actually not to bad in here. It does smell bad though." I said, plugging my nose by pinching it with my two fingers. "Oh, psh psh. You'll get used to this smell. In fact, your gonna be living here!" She smiled, patting me on the back a bit. "My friends.. My brother.. what are they gonna do? What about the school I'm going to tommorow!" I nervously shivered. "I've got your back. Nobody knows your gone but I know who can ensure that they'll be fine with it." Petal grabbed my arm. "For now, lets go find my friend. He'll be the one helping you with your whole life problem." She directed me to the door. Petal then grabbed a button. "Find a turtle, and tell him what you need help with!" She yelled. Before I could answer, she slapped the button and I was teleported to a different part of the beautiful place behind my backyard.

I'm so glad I trusted a slug in my sock drawer..

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