mothers day

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eh idk where else to put this without being judged and this is p friendly so here :)
ig and sc friends were gonna call me sappy and crap

dear mum,

ty for going through your pregnancy shit and all that to give birth to a faggot like me. and not only that but even after having your vagina split in managed to raise me. and give me your all love and support. you fought till the very end even with your cancer and without dad. your so strong and i admire that.
even if you passed away, i miss you mum. so much. i think of you a lot and i hope your happy in heaven.
im sorry you have to leave such a ruthless son in this world and watch me fight alone.
but you know what. your my inspiration and i admire you a lot. im gonna try and fight through this phase.

im sorry im such a fucking loser. im sorry im pathetic and rough. im sorry im so shit at Everything i do.

but mum. i hope i can see your beautiful face again. even if it is through the gates of hell.

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