Chapter 3

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When we arrived home I passed out on the bed from exhaustion, with Sunshine.

I woke up around 5 hours later, and ran down stairs. I didn't see anyone in the living room, causing me to go toward the kitchen. When I got in the kitchen there was no one. I went to the basement yelling, while running down the stairs I yelled "MOM!" No one answered.

I came up to find a note on the door stating "went out for supplies at Home Depot, didn’t want to wake you :)." (I knew Grant had written the note because only grant writes his s from the bottom up.)

I walked up and down the streets everyday with Sunshine, looking for any sign of them, or a person, or any form of life that wasn't trying to kill and eat me. But I found nothing.

Now I'm here, just waiting for something to happen. When I suddenly remember that it was time for Sunshine to eat. He followed me into the kitchen where I had his food, I pulled it out and served it to him. (I have dog food because I used to have a dog named Sparky, he died around 2 months ago of old age, and I had around 20 extra cans of food which I have been giving 2 a day to Sunshine.) Sunshine ate his food and drank his water (My family had gotten tons of water due to the apocalypse.)

I took Sunshine and we started walking into the living room when suddenly I heard knocking at the door. I looked out the window to find a man around his 30s. When I opened the door he said "Hello Sapphire Fields, bring your essentials in a bag and meet me outside. I am here to help you."

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