Authors Note- Inconvenience

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Hey guys...

The thing about life is that it's unexpected and things happen when you don't expect it.

I went on a family trip this weekend and broke my iPod. I wrote/write all my stories on it and since it's broken and no longer works, everything is lost.

My pictures are lost, the stories I've written are lost, even the next 3 chapters of this story, which I hope you guys are likening, are gone...

I am very upset and sorry but you guys will have to wait a couple of months, maybe sooner, for the next chapter.

It sucks that I have to rewrite these chapters so it won't be how I planned and that freaking sucks! >.< I am very sorry for this inconvenience.

Here is a word of advice that you may already know or do: pre upload you stories to wattpad or save them somewhere else for safe keeping.

You don't know how many times I've thought of pre uploading so all I had to do was just tap a button and it's up, but I didn't. I have leaned my lesson.

Again, sorry for this :( I do hope you guys are enjoying this new story and hope to have it for you guys soon when I get a new iPod.

Currently, I am writing this on the wattpad app on my phone. I am not comfortable with this because I'm not used to it and this sucker runs out of battery fast! Lol.

I will try and type up chapter 4 (the new version -.-) on here but it will take some time.

I hope your summer has been great guys as please, take my word of advice.

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